Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF)

It is a 501( c )3 … an organization founded by entrepreneurs who believe the best defense against bad government is entrepreneurs. It is a nonpartisan, conservative, organization whose mission is to educate employees of Main Street, America. It is a political advocacy group founded by Bernie Marcus, the co-founder and former CEO of Home Depot. Influence Watch is the research and education arm of the advocacy group JCNF. Its mission is to teach people how to become entrepreneurs. JCN is the education arm. Its President and CEO is Alfredo Ortiz. His book, The Real Race Revolutionaries, was published in Jan. 2023 and quickly soared to Amazon’s “Top 10” list. It’s about the power of entrepreneurship.

JCNF Sara Carter reported that, during Oct. 2022, JCNF filed a lawsuit against Biden Administration’s student loan bailout to block the “unprecedented executive power grab, giving colleges carte blanche to continue ridiculous pricing.” “It is the root cause of unaffordable tuition, while sitting on $700-billion in endowments”. Instead of students paying-back their college loans, taxpayers will be responsible for them.

Bail outs breed irresponsibility and laziness. Let’s teach our youth responsibility and hard work ethics.