I apologize for not speaking out against the anti-American, democrat/socialist party lately, but their ignorance and stupidity are overwhelming and create far too much fodder for a procrastinator such as me to shoot at. HOWEVER, when the Senate Minority “leader” calls out Supreme Court Justices by name in an attempt to shame them, or scare them into voting against the constitution, and does not get indicted for “hate speech”, or extortion, the dual justice system of a deep state DOJ is getting far too brazen. A senate “censorship” is a joke. Schumer should be lead away in cuffs for threatening Supreme Court justices. Those who vote for him are just as guilty and un-American, and those who say nothing are even worse.  The facts, the truth, and common sense; these do not seem too much to ask of those whose job it is to report, or those that we elect to work for us. Hell, it should not be too much to ask of ourselves! Look for facts, not talking points, in making good decisions, about your government and politicians. Our country is in grave trouble when half the citizens consider a communist, or a corrupt swamp creature, to be an alternative to an American patriot, elected by Americans, with a proven record of success.