Randy May … shared a memory from 11/23/2020

Voter fraud/election law violations at every level, whatever you choose to call it, is criminal behavior. Mail-in ballots with no bi-partisan oversight are illegal, and those preventing that oversight are breaking the law. They need to be arrested, charged, tried and imprisoned if found guilty. Harvesting ballots is illegal and those presenting them, as well as those accepting them, should be arrested. On and on, right down to the poll worker or precinct manager who actually commit voter fraud, all these should be held accountable and go to jail. Secretaries of State and judges ruling in favor of this unconstitutional behavior are criminal of the highest order and should be “perp-walked” in cuffs from their homes and office on national TV. The key words here, “should be”, tells us in no uncertain terms, that “our” (We the People), DOJ, FBI, FEC and any other applicable law enforcement organizations to include state and federal legislature, are not representing the people, the country or the constitution. That should scare the shit out of every American, regardless of party affiliation. Now, while we still have an American patriot presiding as Commander in Chief, is the time for Marshal Law and a confrontation with the shadow government and its attempted coup. This is the last chance to avoid a bloody revolution, and it might already be too late. This is the point at which Hitler began confiscating guns, crushing all resistance.