Randy May shared a memory from July 6, 2017 …

I wrote this great piece yesterday! It included how I had been asked not to mix my “political” opinions and my romantic relationship with the 4AM sky. To which, I responded, that mine are certainly not political opinions, rather, common sense, extracted from God’s records, filed forever, in the infinity of the universe. But I said I would try. I then proceeded to describe the incredible rendition of a Wed. morning sunrise! Resplendent with shimmering dew glazed grass and dancing birds of assorted makes and models. Further, I went on to point out that it was day 2 of the 242nd year of the greatest country on earth, and how lucky we are to be participating in its evolution. Then, punched the wrong button and sent the entire report spinning off into cyber space, never to be seen again. In frustration, I went to work. But, you can’t really call it work, when I get to trim horses for my good friends like the Hoovlers (Hoovlers, hooves, a play on words, heretofore lost on me). Upon return, I fed my horses (also not work) and mowed the grass on my golf course for 3 hours (therapy, not work). However, there is the inexplicable self flagellation of doing this with no shirt in the 275* heat, which resulted in the burns that sapped my energy and caused me to sleep through today’s 4AM sky and sunrise. Lesson to self: both happened without me! My presence is neither required, nor solicited. Go figure?