Randy May … 9/21/2022

Waiting on 4 AM. Deb jerked the covers off me at 12:30 to get me rolling. She was walking around the room naked and apparently felt the need to cover herself with the comfort. I helped her to the bathroom, got her dressed and back to bed. She was asleep before I got out of the bedroom. Greeted dogs and accompanied them outside (beginning to feel like a bathroom monitor). A subdued moonless sky sent us back inside to eat. Baked brownies and a pie, while dogs got situated for their return to sleep. Scout and I are out the door at four and taking in a yellow, crescent moon as it climbs above the treetops to the west. A feint and rippled vapor barrier conceals about half the midnight morning stars, muffling that bright, starlight effect. Even a less than perfect 4 AM, midnight morning sky is magnificent when shared with God and Girl Scout (and, all of you, of course).