Randy May … 11/7/2021

Alzheimer’s FYI … This disease is a living hell for both the victim and the caregiver.  With no cure in sight, the only treatment is Love. Forgiving those who are hurting Deb is difficult, but then I remember Jesus on the cross commenting on those who put him there, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” You must first forgive before you can Love.

This series of posts has been about sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly, of living with Alzheiner’s disease. The last post was about as good as it gets. And, WOW, this one is about as ugly. Deb’s “loving, Christian” daughter seldom called her mother and only came to visit maybe 3 times in 6 years. After discovering that we had obtained  money from a loan, suddenly she showed up wanting it all. The same afternoon that I posted about the joy of finally having Deb in a secure position related to her long-term care, I was served notice by the local constable, right in front of Deb, that the “loving daugher” had petitioned for, and received, full emergency conservatorship over Deb, and that I was to turn all remaining money from the loan over to her.  I can only wonder how the Power of Attorney bestowed upon me by Deb, reflecting her wishes, in 2015, and filed in Hinds County, December 2020, can be revoked. Attorneys from all over the country reviewed it during the loan process and concluded it was a legal document. The money, while not irrelevant, means nothing compared to the irreparable damage done to Deb. It makes things tougher on Deb and tougher on me. But, we can handle it. We were making it before the loan. We ask for your prayers to build a wall around Deb and protect her from the evil spawned from money. As for me, I am a spiritual warrior, wrapped in the protection of God’s Love, and supported by an army of His angels. I will be as strong as I have to be. I pray forgiveness for those family members who hurt Deb.