Obama and Eric Holder, and their department of justice, got us into an undeclared war at the US/MX border with their preposterous Fast & Furious plan of gifting Mexican cartels with hundreds of AKs. If that didn’t start the war, it sure as heck exacerbated it! Brian Terry, a young border patrol agent, was the first casualty fo that disaster. He was murdered by a cartel member using one of Obama’s AKs. Tens of thousands of minors began pouring across America’s open southern border. He and Jeh Johnson of the DHS built cages for housing the influx. Democrats, including Jon Tester, own all of this mess!

Pres. Trump rid us of Obama and Holder’s anti-American “Catch & Release” plan. It was killing Americans. Though he had to fight Democrats tooth-&-nail to do it, Trump began building a wall at the southern border. He negotiated America-First contracts for materials and manpower. He got Mexico’s President to pay for 24,000-plus members of its military to hold-back the massive border-surges of illegals. Trump empowered ICE with stiff deportation authority. Democrats (including Tester) were against all of this … even “Kate’s Law”, a bill to increase penalties for illegals who come back across the border after being deported.

Along came Biden, Kamala, Military Industrial Complex (likes wars), fake news cover-ups, Soros, other dark money, alphabet agencies, etc. Every Democrat went along with eliminating Trump’s hard-fought-for, safe-border-policies. They’ve welcomed untold millions of illegals, calling them “newcomers” one and all! Truth is that millions among them hate Americans and want to do us harm.

Tell Tester to stop going along with the Democrats’ anti-American plans. (202-224-2644). He is not standing-up for Montanans and needs to be reminded of that fact!