Paraphrasing Committee to Unleash Prosperity #779 (CUP), most U.S. citizens want policies that reduce debt spending as part of the national debt package. The House of Representatives passed a beautiful debt plan. But, Biden refused to discuss it for 97 days, even though Speaker McCarthy asked for a meeting with him over and over. Even a far left CNN poll showed that 60% want a debt ceiling increase and that it should come with spending cuts. Democrats love to spend, spend, spend … Pelosi and the Squad did a good job of spending for two years … by several trillion, severely endangering America’s position in the world and seriously disabling its military. They spent money mostly for Green New Deal, the usual pork, nonsense and climate change! America can’t handle another two years of that with Biden at the helm. It’s pretty darn scary!

Finally, two weeks before the debt deadline (June 1st), Biden finally agreed to meet with McCarthy. He didn’t want the debt ceiling raised. To not do so means defaulting on debts (most of which are held by China (ie. national security issue). Ironically, Biden said, “Congress must do its job or we can’t go forward”! “Are you kidding?!!” pretty much expressed the thoughts of CUP and even 60% people in CNN’s poll.

BTW: CUP was co-founded by several of the most brilliant economists of our time.