The temperature was 11-degrees. That didn’t stop 80-90 Convention of States advocates in a small town in Montana from attending an informative meeting.  Convention of States is not to be confused with Constitutional Convention. The meeting was dubbed “Pack the Place with Patriots” by a county organizer.

Under Article 5 of the Constitution of the United States of America a Convention of States can be convened when 34 state legislatures pass resolutions (aka applications) on an agreed topic;  to date, 15 have already agreed to “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” Once two-thirds (34) of the states pass our resolution, the convention will be called.  It is the only constitutionally effective means to reign-in federal power.

D.C. will never relinquish power. Article 5 offers the single best remedy for the crisis our nation is facing. The most important thing you can do to be a part of the solution is to tell elected state legislators your position. Have an information meeting in your county and sign the petition for a Convention of States. Call 540-441-7227 for more details.