The only explanation of what’s going on, top-to-bottom, in the swamp is the existence of a shadow government attempting a coup and it appears to be successful. It would require a few loyal generals and politicians to stop it at this point. I think we are screwed. Obama was laying the groundwork for the last 8 years. He purged the military of all generals that would not fire on American citizens;  put together a 6000 man covert military authorized and funded by Obamacare; bought ammo through every bureau with taxpayer money; bought a presidential and 2 senate elections in order to install a communist regime with an idiot figurehead (Biden);  worked with Big Tech and Big Pharma using Big Tech to silence Trump so he could not lead the 75,000,000 “troops” against them; created a Deep State headquarters down the street from the White House where Valerie Jarrett still runs the operations; and on and on and on and on, explaining the Trump betrayals in the DOJ, CIA, FBI and other law enforcement, as well as politicians on both sides of the aisle. They are not attacking Trump! Be prepare to fight!