Edward Klein said in his NY Times #1 best seller, “The Amateur” … Barack Obama in the White House”… “Think you know the real Barack Obama? You don’t … not until you’ve read “The Amateur”. It was published in 2012, warning all of us.

His foreign policy provided nothing but disastrous results. Millions of people were not informed about the danger of Obama becoming President and voted for him because of his charm. They went blithely along with the downhill, secretive workings of Obama and the Communist infiltration of the American people’s White House. Hillary was supposed to beat Trump and continue the globalist, imperialist take-over.

Obama only kept one promise … to fundamentally change the USA. Biden’s fake presidency is run by the same puppeteers, who controlled Obama. Rev. Wright accepted who-knows-how- many- $$millions to shut-up! Obama hated the Kennedy family and used them only for election purposes. He did the same with Oprah Winfrey. The same is occurring now (Oct. 2023) with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Biden refuses to provide Secret Service protection for him.

After hundreds of interview with people inside Obama’s secretive White House, Klein revealed “a callow, thin-skinned, arrogant president with messianic dreams of grandeur supported by a cast of true-believers, all of them united by leftist politics and an amateurish understanding of executive leadership”. Democrats, seemingly, don’t care that Biden gives all of the appearance of dementia, all the while using presidential power to the detriment of the American people. His presidency is nothing more than a third term for Obama. If a journalist would ask Biden to provide the names of his cabinet … without cue cards … he would not be able to do it. Wake up!!