Momma always said,” Son it is OK to be stupid, but must you continue to open your mouth and prove it?”

Obviously, democrats and never Trumpers, did not have mothers. After 3 years in office, President Trump has proven to be the most effective president in US history on every level: economics, domestic and foreign affairs, military, you name it. His character has withstood investigations where things had to be made up to find something wrong. Even those could not stick. He confronts the lies of the propaganda media, owned and operated by Soros and other NWO types in the democrat/socialist movement. He stands for the constitution and transparency in government and, if tweeting is the only way to get the truth to the American people he represents, then so be it. He does not lie to, or steal from, the American people. Like the Founding Fathers, he risks his fortune, his life, and his sacred honor, every single day.
In contrast, look at the best the democrats can put up as candidates to replace him. A queer mayor (I have no problem with his sex life, but he should keep it in his bedroom), a delusional old woman, an old communist, a corrupt (possibly senile) old vice president from a failed administration; all self-avowed socialists with proven records of economic failure. I worry more about the lack of American patriotism and common sense in the “useful idiots” that would vote for this garbage. What does this says about our country?