Randy shared Allen West’s posting for Jan. 18, 2021:

I was born and raised in Atlanta, George’s historic Old Fourth Ward neighborhood. It’s the home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is there Dr. King’s legacy was a desire for a kid like me to live the American dream, not denied or constrained by the color of my skin. I am the embodiment of his dream. Because of the ideals of equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes, I am a retired Army Lt. Col., a former member of Congress, and now, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, the largest state Republican Party in the nation.

As well, I am proud Black conservative man, married for 31 years with two awesome daughters. Dr. King’s dream did not include the decimation of the traditional nuclear family, nor the genocide of murdering over 20 million unborn black babies.

Today we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but the reality is that we are remembering his dream. We can do better in honoring the man from the Old Fourth Ward, and his true legacy.

The Republican Party of Texas, founded in 1867 by 150 black men celebrates individual rights, freedom and liberty … Dr. King’s dream.