When asked by NBC News recently how he thought Pres. Biden was doing, Jon Tester said this:

“He’s doing a good job. I think folks are making a bigger deal out of it than it is.”
Here’s what “a good job” is, according to Jon Tester:

  • Botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost American lives and allowed the Taliban to regain control.
  • Record millions of illegal immigrants streaming across an insecure border.
  • Massive federal spending and record national debt.
  • Skyrocketing inflation on everything from groceries, to gasoline, to clothing.
  • An administration far more concerned with advancing the woke agenda than serving Americans’ needs.
  • Weaponizing the justice system to convict and imprison a political opponent.
  • Using that same justice system to cover up corrupt dealings and shield family members.

Oh, and don’t forget – Jon Tester thinks you’re making too big a deal out of all of this…If this is the kind of job performance that’s acceptable to Jon Tester, how can we trust him to represent and serve Montanans?It’s time to retire Jon Tester and his friend Joe Biden and make Montana RED again.