

One of the things I dislike the most about AOC is how she prioritizes other countries’ citizens over American citizens.

I’m from New York. Of course, we all know folks here who waited in line, and got their citizenship the right way – legally. And those folks, the naturalized citizens who love America like we do – God bless ’em, I’ll fight for them!

AOC likes the cheaters. The ones who cut the line, the ones who broke our laws, the ones who steal benefits while not paying taxes, the ones who come here to take rather than contribute.

I support immigration reform once our border has been secured, but any immigration reform must prioritize legal immigrants who have already been waiting years and years to become citizens.

AOC continually shows her disdain for our country, our people and our laws. As long as I have the money to tell this story to the hard working people of the Bronx and Queens who play by the rules, do you see them re-electing her?

I sure don’t!

She is VERY vulnerable. Help me replace her!

Let’s replace this fraud with an educator and former cop – one that knows and respects the law.

I need your help to send a strong message about AOC, with the largest donation you can afford – whether it’s $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, all the way to the Federal maximum of $2800 per individual.

It’s time to stop hating America, our laws, our people, our industry, our successes, our freedoms! It’s time to defeat AOC and leave the bad ideas in the history books!

God bless,

John Cummings

P.S. Every time you see her on TV, remember that AOC is owned by the radical Soros/Steyer wing of the Socialist left! I need your help to stop her today!