MAGAs may be represent “deplorables”, “irredeemables” and “smelly Wal-Mart people”, who “cling to their guns and God”; but, “gullibles” are suckers for whatever Fake News, Pelosi, Schumer and other Swamp Rats spoon-feed them.  They’re desperate to convince us that Pres. Trump caused Iran’s provocations when he withdrew us from Obama’s “Iran Deal” (“deal”, not “treaty”).  It’s sheer idiocy; and, We the People are sick of being treated as if we’re stupid!
Obama, knowing full well that Iran was the biggest funder of terrorism in the world, gifted the mullahs with more than $150-billion in exchange for nothing. They danced in the streets and chanted “death to America” and “death to Israel”!   Obama, Jack Lew and Adam Szubin took lying-to-congress-by-omission to new heights by failing to disclose secret side deals to their so-called nuclear accord.  By happenstance, Sen. Cotton and then-Rep. Pompeo stumbled upon some of the truth at an atomic energy summit in Vienna and triggered an investigation.
Obama, et al, promised that Iran would never obtain access to U.S. financial and commercial systems.  Senate investigations discovered otherwise.  Turns out, Obama had already authorized the conversion of multiple $$-billions of Iranian assets through us.  His regulators encouraged two U.S. banks to facilitate it.  Both declined due to compliance, reputation and legal risks associated with doing business with Iran.  Honest bankers!  But, that was only the tip-of-the-iceberg of “perks” to Iran and visa-versa to the Swamp Rats.