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Easter is celebrated across the world as one of the most significant Christian holy days. At Easter, we remember not only the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross but especially that through His triumph over the power of sin and death we can have eternal life.

Across the centuries of American history, our leaders have reminded us of the importance of Easter. Noah Webster, author of America’s first English-language dictionary, defined Easter: “A festival of the Christian church observed in commemoration of our Savior’s resurrection.”

Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence, declared:

The approaching festival of Easter, and the merits and mercies of our Redeemer…have inspired me with the hope of finding mercy before my Judge and of being happy in the life to come — a happiness I wish you to participate with me by infusing into your heart a similar hope.

Much later, President Franklin Roosevelt saw in Easter a clear message for youth. Addressing a group of young people in 1936, he told them:

Yesterday, Christendom celebrated Easter—the anniversary of the Resurrection of Our Lord Who, at the beginning of His ministry was thirty years of age and at His death was only thirty-three. Christianity began with youth, and through the last two thousand years, the spirit of youth repeatedly has revitalized it.

Easter is a special day of joy and rejoicing. As Romans 1:4 affirms, “Through the Spirit of holiness [Jesus] was appointed the Son of God in power by His resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord!” So, from all of us at WallBuilders, have a blessed and happy Easter!