Honoring America’s Military

Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of May each year to honor all those who serve in the US military.

In July 1947, President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act which unified all branches of the military under the Secretary of Defense. Prior to this, each branch held their own observance days to honor those who served but in 1949, the Secretary of Defense announced Armed Forces Day to unify these celebrations.

Truman declared the first Armed Forces Day on May 20, 1950 stating, “it is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying tribute to the Armed Forces as the servants and protectors of our nation.” This first celebration consisted of parades across the US and in Berlin where soldiers were stationed. Since then, America’s military has been honored by generals, presidents, and others on this special day.

In honor of Armed Forces Day, be sure to thank someone you know in the military, pray for those serving, and attend a local community’s celebration to show your support in person. And to all those in the US military, thank you for your service!