Forsyth’s annual Americanism Program was held on Feb. 19th at Hiram Lodge #52 with Bob Engle as organizer and emcee. After prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, Mr. Engle described the long history of Freemason’s support of the American Military.

Dave Ofalt, American Legion Commander, enacted the “Empty Chair” tribute to American MIAs and POWs, who have not returned. People in attendance, who had served in our Armed Forces were introduced.

The Seniors in Mr. Cole’s Civics class at Forsyth High School presented the ceremony of folding the American Flag, explaining the meaning of each fold.

Don Holland followed with a rendition of the “Raggedly Old Flag”.
Earl Mortensen, American Legion Post #39, gave the history of Taps and Matt Radue, music teacher at Forsyth High School, performed Taps.
The program closed with singing “America”. As a reminder to us all, its cherished words are: “Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, from purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain, America, America, God shed his grace on thee. And, crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.”
Afterwards, excellent snacks were available, courtesy of Bethlehem Chapter Order of the Eastern Star.