Judicial Watch filed FOIA requests in the swing states where 2020 election fraud was charged. Note to Susan Collins, Joe Manchin and Joe Biden … NO! Merely recounting votes means nothing. In ads, they said “we count the votes and then recount the votes.” All that “recounting” does is recount the same dishonest ballots same dead people and the same double voters, over and over. Thanks to its JW’s FOIAs, some states, including PA, were ordered to remove dead people from their rolls.

It was particularly strange that some counties in NC, Mich, PA, VA, Wis. and GA had more voters than population. Another oddity in some states was that, when one candidate was ahead in the wee hours, suddenly, from out of the blue, thousands of votes for the opposing candidate showed up. In W. Virginia, Trump was leading at midnight, but two or three hours later, ½ million ballots for Biden popped-up. In Montana, the same good fortune occurred for Tester.

The election software system in Michigan that switched 6000 votes from Trump to Biden is called “Dominion”. Feinstein’s family and Pelosi’s family are connected to it financially and, of course, politically. It was used in 30 states, including: NV, AZ, Minn., Mich., Wis., GA and PA. SCOTUS said that We the People have no standing in bringing charges against corrupt elections, politics and the Deep State