Democrats’ Playbook … “Rules for Revolution”’ by Saul Alinsky!

For decades, Dems have used Alinsky’s book called “Rules for Revolution” as their instruction manual. Hillary wrote her Wesleyan term paper on him. Obama used “The Alinsky Model” for his “community organizing”. It didn’t bother them that Alinsky praised Lucifer for his “shrewdness” and revered him as “the first radical known to man”. He labeled Lucifer as very “effective”.

Alinsky taught that deception was the best tool for protesting. He told his followers to attend an opponent’s rally disguised as a Ku Klux Klansman, to cheer wildly for the speaker, then let liberal media handle the desired result by using never-ending false accusations of the opponent (conservatives) being “racist” and “white supremacist”! A good strong seed was sown when never-Trumper, KKK David Duke, was planted into one of Trump’s earliest rallies.

Modern-day Hollywood, Big Tech, K-Street , Wall-Street, Democrats, Soros puppets, FBI/ CIA/DOJ/DNC elitists, BLM, Antifa, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood and other nasty tentacles of the Deep Swamp joined Fake News media in perpetuating the lie that Trump is a racist and a white supremacist.

Repetition and parroting, especially when it’s non-stop for four years, works on easily-indoctrinated people (legal and illegal) and younger generations who can’t wait for free everything. Millions of them bought in on both lies hook, line and sinker. In fact, it worked so well that they are now convinced that 75-million Trump voters are also racists and white supremacists. Squad members AOC and Cori Booker are calling for expulsion from Congress of anyone who objected to the certification of Biden as president. That’s 100% pure Communism. Comrade Alinsky would be proud!