Book Review:

“The Real Anthony Fauci … Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy Democracy and Public Health”

Read this book! It covers everything … regs, user fees (FDA & Big Pharma), CDC’s 57 vaccine patents, NIH’s hundreds of vaccines. Fauci’s 6-figure royalties, in addition to his $417,608/year salary. NIH weaponized the patent-approval process.

Big Tech, Fake News, military intel and other alliances, dangerously control scary messaging. Fauci said, “anyone, who attacks or questions me is “anti-science”. He admitted to the New York Times that he lied to promote masks and herd immunity.

For over 50 years, Fauci’s “remedies” have been worse than the diseases. With COVID-19, millions of otherwise healthy people have encountered poverty, bankruptcy, depression, suicides and addictions. Workers lost $3.7-trillion and billionaires gained $3.9-trillion. In one day, Zuckerberg made $35-billion and Microsoft/ Gates’s made $200-million. His partnering list is extensive … Google, Oracle, 5G, etc. They stoke fear and destroy democracy, small businesses, middle-class and kill millions. Fauci gave the go-ahead for cruel experiments on children and dogs. Were COVID-19 and his other pandemics purposefully engineered? Oh … and now comes Monkeypox just in time to control mid-term elections! Read the book!