I hate to waste time on climate change, but let me say this one last time.Of course there is climate change, but, man’s impact is extraordinarily minuscule. One volcanic eruption, one year of cow farts, has more effect on the levels of CO2, than all of mankind since its creation! The arrogance, yea verily, the ignorance of man, to think he is even a factor in the universal plan of change, is beyond comprehension. The people squealing the loudest are those flying to conferences in private planes and living in 10,000 square foot houses. The “useful idiots” that dance to the beat of the propaganda media’s drum, simply regurgitate what they are told.I worry more about a lack of planetary common sense!

Voting Tuesday, reminded me how offended I am by those who identify as democrats(socialist). Our right to vote(and theirs) is guaranteed by the very constitution they are openly out to destroy. And, then there is the Airman, in uniform, voting socialist. Does she not know she took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic? Does she not know socialism, communism, and Islam are self-professed sworn enemies of America, and by supporting them she is “aiding and abetting”, the very definition of treason? Rules for Radicals’,”useful idiots”!

“Rules for Radicals” (the democrat/socialist playbook), clearly states that you accuse others of that which you are guilty, loud enough, long enough, and your” useful idiots” will believe you.You call Trump a “white supremeist”,(which he clearly is not), yet you, the democrats, established the KKK. You call him a racist,(which he clearly is not), yet, you, the democrats, voted against black’s right to vote, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You call him a liar,(of course he is not), yet, you, the democrats, have lied to,cheated, and stolen from the American people, while your propaganda media covers for you and blames Donald Trump. The ignorant and uninformed , of both parties, will eventually succumb, and socialism/communism/Islam will have destroyed our country without firing a shot. Where have I heard that before?

Primary election day! Go vote for Bill Waller. It will make you feel good, for having done the right thing, but won’t change the fact that the Ms GOP cartel has already anointed their swamp rat, Tate Reeves. All these candidates, pushing their photo-ops with the president, and saying,” I will stand with Trump”, fail to realize Mississippi is a sovereign state,(one of 50 in our Republic), and he should stand with us. We need to elect a leader, not a “yes man”!

Trying to picture civil war. Of course it will be “us” vs “them”. Okay, so who’s an “us’, and who a “them”? The multi-plane, multi-dimensional, confusion of the human being,won’t even let us pick sides. I’m with you on this point, I hate you on that. So, what is worth killing for? Who, and how many? Millions of citizens, unaware that they “hated” us , in Japan, or the rice paddies of Vietnam? Let’s all wear head bans, red and blue, just so we can tell who’s who. And yes, we need a convention, of the wisest men among us, in Geneva, to decide the most humane way to kill each other. Have I mentioned humans are stupid? (and you wonder why I can’t sleep)

Ignorance and apathy,(not knowing and not caring enough to find the facts), are characteristics of the “useful idiots” in the anti-American “never Trumper” camp. A simple objective view of the facts, even with limited skills of deductive reasoning, reveals Donald Trump to be an American patriot delivering leadership, honesty, transparency, and results for all Americans.

How many fools applauded the clowns, marched out to entertain the “useful idiots” watching the “debate”? The moderators framed their questions to describe President Trump as a lying racist, hell bent on destroying America, and the candidates piled on, as they had rehearsed. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Trump’s highly successful policies have been good for ALL AMERICANS. The “wanna be’s” on stage rolled out one hypothetical plan after another, to deal with the issues of the election, then defended them as facts, even though, most have been in public office for years, (some from 1776), and never did a thing to address them.

The same mentality that elects a Bennie Thompson, elects a Thad Cochran, or Tate Reeves. People, too ignorant to understand, and, too apathetic to care.

Democrats look into the camera(or the face of America) and flat out lie and misrepresent the facts we have already seen for ourselves. Do they really think we are as stupid as their constituents?

Jerry Nadler says, not only, should we not believe our eyes, but , ignore our ears as well. Jerry stood there today to tell us , that which Mueller himself called incorrect, was the truth we should have gleaned from this democrat/socialist circus. He pukes his own “facts” in unfolding his fairy tale of Trump criminal behavior. Let me suggest that it has been said , to keep trying the same thing while expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. By that standard, not only are all democrats crazy, but, all who vote them into office. So, we are left with Americans vs the mentally ill.

If you still call yourself a democrat after watching, for over 2 years, the lies, deceit, arrogance, stupidity, and totally anti-constitutional behavior of the clowns you put in office, then you are the epitome of a “useful idiot”! If you call yourself a republican, after watching them participate in this farce, and having done nothing to arrest, or forcibly remove, this threat to our nation, then you are a coward. President Donald Trump, and the American patriots that elected, and stand behind him, are all that keep this nation from collapsing. Reagan, or one of those types, said something like,”We are one generation, one election, from losing our freedom”. That election, was 2016. Be neither Republican, nor Democrat/socialist, be a proud American. Pull the plug and drain the swamp!!

Do these people not know how absurd they look? How ridiculous they sound? How completely useless they are? Immigration, the budget, impeachment with no crime, healthcare, and, literally, every issue facing this country, could have, and should have, been resolved by this congress. Both parties have had the opportunity , with complete control, to accomplish something for the good of this country. We now have an American patriot for president, that is honest, transparent, and a true leader, attempting to get back to honoring the constitution, to honoring the oath of office, and making decisions based on common sense and what is best for America. Yet, with no congressional support, no help from an ignorant and apathetic “we the people” , no truth from our “journalists”, his hands are tied. Amazing what he has accomplished in spite of a defiant swamp!



Believe me, after the disgraceful Cochran campaign of 2014, I have zero respect for either party, but, if you can look at the democrat/socialist party , and the unAmerican clowns they are putting forward as presidential candidates, without disgust and disgrace, then, you my friend, are the definition of a “useful idiot”, and an enemy of this country.

I am really offended, no, infuriated, every time these democrat/socialists suggest that they represent Americans! Have democrats not read the constitution? Have they not seen the economic growth(for everyone) in this country? Have they not seen the renewed respect for America in our foreign relations? Have they not seen the Herculean efforts of this president in our national defense(in spite of democrat “open border” opposition? Do they not understand that everything the democrat/socialist party stands for is un-American and anti-American? They understand only that half the country will vote for free stuff out of greed and ignorance, and that is all they need to know to win elections.

English is the American language and speaking it should be a requirement for citizenship. Voting is a privilege of citizenship. So, who were these democrats speaking to? Also, are Castro’s parents American citizens? (an article 2 section 1 constitutional requirement for president) (Obama, Cruz and Rubio were not eligible for that reason) Oh yeah, Americans no longer care what the constitution says. There is no such thing as an African American, Mexican American, etc. Either you are an American citizen, or, you are not.

Reparations are not payments from one segment of society to another, they are attempts to repair a wrong doing. While financial reparations were paid after the Civil War to freed slaves,(40 acres, a mule, and $10) (A huge dowry at the time), no guidance on how to live as a free man was given. Therefore, a whole class of American has been raised not understanding that FREEDOM means taking total responsibility for your actions. For everything in your life. No free food, no free housing, no free clothes, no free phone, no free secondary education, etc. So, as proper reparations, the descendants of all slaves should be required to take civic’s classes on the origin, and the meaning of American FREEDOM. These classes, of course, would be free, and taught by exemplary men and women like, Allen West, Ben Carson, Herman Caine, Bill Marcy, Connie Rice, Thomas Payne, David Web, Candace Owens, etc.

Thomas Paine. Do you think he knew the impact of his writing? I certainly feel my patriotic prose falls on too many deaf ears. Writing of truth, and “Common Sense” surely does not win friends, or, influence people.

I feel helpless to defend my country from those who would destroy her, including, but not limited to, democrats, Muslims, the media, Hollywood, and all the “useful idiots” that follow and support them (especially piss poor parents and cowardly clergy). I have no money and no time,(as I am obligated to an Alzheimer’s victim 24/7). I have a voice with no platform from which to speak. But, I will continue to post constitutional common sense and patriotic propaganda as my only weapon until, and if, we go to war in defense of our American freedom.

How stupid are we?  Too late. We asked this question 20 years ago, and our actions, or inaction, has answered it. Majority, minority, communities across the country have placed anti-American Muslims in political positions at the local, state, and congressional level. (even president). We are that stupid.

Clarity and depth, wisdom and common sense, if only all would listen. There are examples all around of the ignorance and conformity we produce at our universities. The sciences are in relatively good shape, while liberal arts has succumbed to the narcissistic rantings of a socialist cadre, sworn to the destruction of this country. Graduating a group of sheep, no longer capable of thinking for themselves, but merely regurgitating that which they’ve been fed, professing it to be original thought. My lesson in this morning’s plan was simple,(as universal truth always is), “it is not my fault”, and I should not feel guilty about a sinking society. Extinction happens. 

Real leaders, real men, Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump. It has been a long time since we had one. What an honor to witness the greatest president in American history! How disgusting to watch the weakest “we the people” in history. Congress is disgracefully unAmerican, and there by, so too, are those who elect them. Trump came along too late to save freedom, this country, from the swamp infestation.

I’m sorry, but to sit quietly is to condone. The # never Trump movement is the exact same thing as the establishment republican backed # never McDaniel tactics used in Ms. It involves several of the same people! The confusing part is the crossover crowd, to include Chris, who now back the RINOs and Hillary against the constitutional republican majority elected nominee. If you are republican, if you are an American, if you believe in the constitution and the freedom for which it stands, if you do not vote for whomever emerges from the convention as our candidate, ( hopefully Trump, who is clearly the most qualified American patriot in either party), then you are voting for RINOs/Dems/Hillary and the socialistic demise of America they represent.

On a day when we remember the sacrifice of all who fell on D-Day, how can ANY democrat look in a mirror , and not know they are the very evil these boys were fighting? Trump represents the American patriots of those by-gone years. When men were men, and women were women, and everyone fought to defend freedom. Look at the garbage the democrats are offering as presidential candidates! It is an insult to all Americans! Especially those who gave everything to purchase the freedom, we so casually squander. And, Trump leads as an American, not as a swamp rat republican. Lilly livered lobbyist loving losers looting our nation and our future generations, remain in charge, fighting Trump and the Americans who elected him, on every issue. Where are the churches? Morality? Common sense? Leaders? Congress and judges could solve 90% of our problems in one day. Issues like “gender”, LOOK IN YOUR PANTS!, Immigration, enforce the law we have now, rewrite the weak ones, and BUILD A WALL! It is called NATIONAL SECURITY. Benefits are for American citizens and only American citizens have THE RIGHT TO VOTE! We are the cowards who continue to put these corrupt cowards in office. If you are not ashamed of yourself for allowing what has happened to this country, on a day honoring those with the courage to fight, then you are truly sorry, and completely ignorant of the Declaration of Independence, and the Freedom it defines.

We speak in vague generalities, like republican, democrat, right, left, main stream media, socialism, etc., When , in fact, these are people, individuals, who, unfortunately, do not think for themselves. The problem is ignorance, (not having read, or understood, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, or the Qur’an ), and, apathy,( Not caring or having the courage to fight those who would destroy their country and take their freedom). It is way too late to educate the people,(the educators have become a part of the problem), and if you are not mad enough to fight by now, it isn’t going to happen. It disgusts me to listen to the hypocritical BS that will be spewed thanking those who died for our freedom, this Memorial Day, when we stood idly by and watched as those freedoms were taken by corrupt politicians and entitlement slaves. It is the anti-American individual who is your enemy.

So, we have Americans that side with Donald Trump and the movement to restore constitutional law and freedom, and we have an anti-American faction that wants to continue the corrupt status quo, pushing socialism. AND THEN, we have those who claim to be independents, not taking a side, like the majority that took no side in the American Revolution. These are the same neutral pukes God says He will spew from his mouth. If you are not with us, you are against us.Among those are your friends and family that say there is nothing they can do,”it’ll all work out” they might as well be open democrat/socialists, Republican “never Trumpers” are blind followers of a bought and paid for Main Stream Media. Enemies of the the constitution and the freedom for which it stands. It is past time for Americans to stand against those who would destroy that FREEDOM which our Founding Fathers gave us, and our soldiers died to keep .

There is obviously not one man, or American patriot , in the democrat party. Clearly a cabal of anti-American criminals. You would think one of them would have the courage to stand for their country and honor their oath of office.

Idiots and criminals, elected by the same, are holding the AG in contempt for following the law. This will not end well for those who side against Barr and the U S constitution.

It boils down quite simply to a fight for freedom, the constitution, and American ideology. On one side are the American patriots, led by their elected leader Donald Trump, seeking to restore some form of limited constitutional government, while greatly outnumbered by the enemies of all things American, democrat/socialists, republican/ fascists, muslims, mainstream propaganda media, brainwashed educators at all levels, politically correct religious institutions, and useful idiots by the millions. Still, and all, the majority of American citizens, remain apathetic and willfully ignorant, refusing to take sides, just as the masses in the American Revolution. It is too late for a broken and corrupt voting process to make a peaceful change. War is coming, and, men, women, and children will die on both sides. Look in the mirror and ask yourself who you are. If you can accept ANY of the presidential candidates set forth by a socialist democrat party, (and still think you are an American), then God help you, and God help these United States of America.

The media, through lies and accusations, leads an apathetic, ignorant, and procrastinating public, to its own demise. We, the American people, are, not only , too stupid to live, but certainly, totally undeserving of the freedom so many died to pass on to us. If you are not willing to stand and fight, or hold accountable, the propaganda media, the democrat socialists, the “never Trump” republicans, the muslims, and other domestic enemies of the constitution and this nation, don’t call yourself an American.

And , now comes Joe Biden, beseeching a return to normal. As I recall, his “normal” is a failed economy, more in poverty and riding food stamps to survive. A more divided nation on class, and creed, and race. A corrupt, perverse society, with no concept of morals, from the politicians we call “leaders” to the useful idiots wanting men in women’s bathrooms. The forced acceptance of the queers of LGBT, as role models for our kids, The monsters of Planned Parenthood, murdering unborn children and forcing us to pay. The “tolerance” of Islam preaching death to those who will not conform to their political ideology of hate. The trampling on our constitution, its freedom, and the rule of law.
No Thank You Joe. I’ll stay aboard the Trump Train, fueled by real Americans, and see where freedom takes us.

Let me see, We have muslims, racists, gays, old senile white men/women,liars, cheats, thieves, and traitors as elected officials. We have socialists, racists, hypocrites, anti-American protesters, liars, cheats thieves, and “men” who kiss their male wives when announcing , running for president. And we can’t figure out what’s wrong with this country??? Look in the damn mirror!! And, we let Donald Trump, the only man in DC, fight this evil swamp alone. We are cowards, and we are stupid.

I suppose that we should be proud that our generation is the one that was finally able to destroy The United States of America, when so many others failed.

In order to identify your enemy, and, in this case, the enemy of your country, you must first know who you are.I am a natural born American, raised by patriotic parents and grand parents, during the 1950’s. Taught about God, capitalism, and personal responsibility,(freedom), from the time I could walk. Being from Texas I got the bonus significance of the Alamo and all it means to freedom and fighting for it. By high school I was losing friends to Vietnam and being conditioned to think it my duty to avenge them.I volunteered and lived through that mistake, while learning , first hand, of the corruption of our politicians, and the stupidity of man. Finished my tour at Ft. Benning, where Lt William Calley was being tried for killing everyone in a village. Enlightening once again.So many life lessons later, I would once again be fighting for my country. Becoming a member of The Tea Party,(a statement that I believed in the constitution and a government based on it) , and Act for America, the largest civilian, national security organization in America, dealing with the threat of Islam. Through these groups and related conferences in DC, where we would be briefed by congressional intelligence committees, (an oxi-moron for sure), I was reassured that politicians are deceitful cowards. All that being said, I am qualified, and have earned the right to assure you that democrats, “never Trumpers”, and the political ideology known as Islam are definitely enemies of these United States. The oath you take when entering the Army states that you will defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, and, it has no expiration date.I am far more proud of my Trump hat (and the proud American heritage for which it stands) than I am my purple heart or presidential unit citation. I am old enough to understand what we are fighting for, and what we stand to lose. Every American should be wearing a MAGA hat as a badge of courage, and calling out the enemies of freedom.

Disgusting , disgraceful, and deplorable, are just a few of the derogatory terms I would apply to congressional committees. It especially offends me when these elected imbeciles say they are speaking on behalf of the American people. How any of these idiots thought it would go well for them to take on AG William Barr is amazing to me.

Our country is gone. Lost, not to foreign powers, hateful religious ideology, rampant government corruption, paid for propaganda media, radicalized educators in institutions of “higher learning, watered down morals in churches, or even, piss poor parenting,( though all that exists as symptoms left untreated for 100 years), but to “we the people”. The individual, “free” Americans, who stand idly by and watch, as our constitution is desecrated, our freedom taken, our lands pillaged, our treasure dispersed around the world, and our children condemned to socialism, communism, and Islam. The right of government oversight belongs to every American citizen. We have failed to exercise that right,(due to ignorance, apathy, and a lack of courage), allowing the water to slowly boil, killing the stupid frogs that we are. In the end, we get what we deserve.
We never demanded the TRUTH from our media, or held them accountable for lying.
We never asked for accountability when Barack Obama, hid his past. Though, even if you are stupid enough to believe he was born in Hawaii, his father was not an American citizen, making him constitutionally ineligible to be president.
We never asked for accountability when Hillary and Barack lied about Benghazi, or their involvement in the gun running to “Syrian rebels/Isis”, or Hillary’s purchase of “security” from AEGIS in Europe, who eventually hired Al-Qaeda, February 17th martyr brigade, to guard the consulate.
We never sought accountability when Hillary sold her influence on the government approval of uranium sales to Russian owned uranium one out of Canada.
We never sought accountability when the BLM/FBI harassed and destroyed the Bundys, The Hammonds, and murdered LaVoy Finnicum.
We never sought accountability from a corrupt “judicial committee” over the false witness against Judge Kavenaugh, or all the idiots,(now running for president) that screamed,” I believe the victims” .
We will not get accountability for the ridiculous investigation into false charges of collusion by a sitting president.
We will get no accountability from a congress refusing to acknowledge the crisis at the border, or in our immigration system.
I could go on forever, but never change the fact that our cowardice, ignorance, and apathy are no one’s fault but our own.

“I believe the “survivors” “, “there is no crisis at the border”, ” man and farting cows are responsible for climate change”, “government can give you everything for “free” “, “you have a right to pick your gender”, and an assortment of other insanity, should be hung around the necks of politicians on sign boards. An apathetic and uninformed America, will still vote for them. Did I mention, humans are stupid?

Every single democrat jumping into the race for president is a buffoon! 273 talking faces, all regurgitating the same ridiculous democrat talking points. Watching this Gov. Jay Inslee talk about climate change, and how pessimistic Trump is, had me cringing over his stupidity, and being embarrassed for, not just him, but all Americans supporting the clown show, that is the American political theater.

How, do we as a free people, look at what we have voted into office in this congress, and not want ,
“A do-over”? Clowns and cowards, useful idiots and fools, that we mindlessly allow to destroy America. I am ashamed and embarrassed every time I hear them speak. Why is it President Trump must fight this army of buffoons alone.

OK, Let’s look at the Muslim representatives in congress this way: If they are not anti-semite (haters of Jews), they are not Muslim. If they do not believe Sharia to be the law of the land, they are not Muslim. If they take their oath to defend this nation from terror groups like Islam, seriously, then they are not Muslim. If they do not wish death to America, they are not Muslim. My guess is, that if asked, they would proudly tell you they ARE Muslim. Just think about that.

Muslims and socialists are for The “varsity blues” scandal is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the press and the ignorance of the “useful idiot” masses. The VB scandal is about wealth and privilege, (and has been going on since the beginning of time), but, please tell me how it differs from race based discrimination like affirmative action, or gender based programs like title 9. They all deprive better qualified individuals an opportunity to the limited openings at the “better” schools. This just opens the door to a discussion I don’t have time for. Allowing the Muslim Brotherhood’s guide, called “the project”, to the letter. It is a plan to infiltrate the government and destroy the U.S. , much the same as Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. All emulating Kruschev’s threat for communism to take America without firing a shot. They are removing guns, God, and guts, from America. They have taken our schools from K through college, taken over the media to control propaganda messaging, put 90% of the people on some form of government assistance, weakened the church and its morality, decimated the family unit, and convinced half the country that patriotism and believing in the constitution is bad. If you don’t believe we are at war with these factions, socialists/democrats, “never Trumpers, muslims, and all things anti-American, then you are a FOOL! Cause they are damn sure at war with us!

“Last of the Americans”, a book in which the “baby boomers” are cast as the generation that let the socialists infiltrate government, schools, churches, and family. Thereby destroying the very fabric from which our constitutional flag was cut. I personally am ashamed. Honesty, integrity, and Patriotism are passing away with the dying breed. The “last American” in DC, Donald Trump, is being stoned daily, and our rotten excuse for “we the people” stand by impotently and watch. We have allowed anti-American activity to thrive to the point where it is now radical, and even an act of terror, to defend freedom, and the constitution.

So, why does no one mention that these women are Muslims? That they openly support the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, and openly condemn the US and Jerusalem. Omar and Tlaib, ( Throw Linda Sarsour in there too)

The Bundy Ranch, the Hammond Ranch, the murder of Lavoy Finnicum, the illegal incarceration, and detention, of American citizens, and where was the accountability for the unconstitutional actions of the government and law enforcement? The officers involved should have put down their weapons and refused to fire on American citizens, they should have refused to follow unconstitutional orders, and the local sheriff should have exercised his authority as the final word of the people, and arrested all those involved with issuing such orders,(in this case, all the way to the whitehouse). For those of you naive enough to think your military will not turn their weapons on you, let this be a lesson! A corrupt DOJ protects an even more corrupt congress. We are no longer a nation of laws. We are no longer a nation of honor and integrity. We are no longer a nation of free men. And, we are certainly no longer “the home of the brave”!

Muslims and socialists are following the Muslim Brotherhood’s guide, called “the project”, to the letter. It is a plan to infiltrate the government and destroy the U.S. , much the same as Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. All emulating Kruschev’s threat for communism to take America without firing a shot. They are removing guns, God, and guts, from America. They have taken our schools from K through college, taken over the media to control propaganda messaging, put 90% of the people on some form of government assistance, weakened the church and its morality, decimated the family unit, and convinced half the country that patriotism and believing in the constitution is bad. If you don’t believe we are at war with these factions, socialists/democrats, “never Trumpers, muslims, and all things anti-American, then you are a FOOL! Cause they are damn sure at war with us!

The “anti hate resolution” is about protecting muslims from hearing the truth

How sad for me. Bennie Thompson is the congressman from my district,( I can’t say he is “my” congressman, as he does not represent me or my love for this country), he just went to the border, heard the experts there tell him that a crisis existed, saw it for himself, then came back and read his democrat/socialist talking points from the party memo before him, at the congressional hearing with DHS. He is a total embarrassment, not just to his constituents, but to freedom loving Americans everywhere. A wall, as a component of border security, is common sense. Border security, i.e. national security, is the constitutionally designated responsibility of the Executive branch, specifically the president. It is not the job of congress to design the system(and they are far too stupid to do so), but to fund the efforts of the experts appointed by the president. If they refuse to fund, it becomes necessary for the president,(commander in chief), to do whatever he sees fit to honor the oath of office. I personally believe he should use his military to defend our borders.

It disgusts me to hear a democrat or “never Trumper” say they represent the American people. Unfortunately, one merely has to be born within the borders to claim American citizenship. But, there is so much more to being an American.

Let’s use our imaginations and try to picture any of the idiots being put forth by the socialist party, actually leading this country, or, better still, representing this country on the world stage. Scary and embarrassing!

The Cohen circus is leaving town. Unfortunately, all the clowns were left in DC! This hearing was a total embarrassment and disgraceful to all Americans.

Nuclear Summit is another success. Trump is continuing to build a bond of trust, which at some point in the future will result in positive things. I personally don’t think you will ever see North Korean voluntary de-nuclearization.( I certainly would not give up my nukes), but, improved, personal, and diplomatic relations are invaluable.

The 2nd amendment not only guaranties a citizen’s right to own a weapon, but suggests it his duty. Not for hunting, or self defense, but to be prepared to defend this nation from enemies, both foreign, and domestic. To ban a particular weapon, class of weapon, or type of conversion kit, would be feckless, ridiculous, and unconstitutional. The problem is a society that trains its children from birth, not to value anyone’s life, but their own, and to take their orders from a propaganda media, pushing democrat/socialist talking points, rap music, Hollywood trash, and internet video games, and posts

A “MAGA” hat says,” I am a proud American that supports my country and my president”, and nothing more. So, why does the propaganda media, and the throngs of democrat/never Trumper “useful idiots” , want it to represent racism, bigotry, misogyny, and everything negative on the planet? As Americans, we need to gear up, (hats and shirts), and show our support for this country!! And, yes, in this environment, it takes courage to show your patriotism. ( how screwed up is that?) If half the country displayed their pride, it would be an impressive sight and statement!

Let’s face some brutal facts of war, revolution, or civil war in particular. We throw these terms around in cavalier, or romantic, non-chalance. The truth is, and our history confirms it, we are talking about killing our family, friends, and fellow Americans. I don’t know that I can do that. When you call them “never Trumpers”, democrats, muslims, and socialists” you are certainly labeling them as anti-American, and domestic enemies, of, not just the constitution, but, the freedom it represents, obligating those of us that took an oath, to defend the country from them. Our Founding Fathers had wisdom and courage beyond our ability to comprehend. Those who fought a Civil War against a tyrannical United States that wanted to usurp the constitutional powers of the sovereign states, found themselves facing family members who were uninformed, or “brainwashed” useful idiots of the government.(much the same as we face today). In either event, war requires the commitment to kill. In my opinion,”We the people” don’t have what it takes to retake this country.

Isn’t it curious how the woman who denounced America to offer herself up for breeding ISIS fighters, and now wants to come back “home” so her bastard ISIS child can be raised here, is being represented by an attorney from C.A.I.R.(council of American Islamic relations). C.A.I.R., founded as the U.S. branch of the I.A.P.(international association of Palestine) was, along with the Muslim Brotherhood, considered to be un-indicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial.( Dallas 2008 ) They have been called,”Hamas, doing business in the U.S.”.in other words, a terrorist organization.

Sometimes the media gets it right. Like when they say,”Trump is just out to please his base” His “base” is the American people!

Stupid, ignorance, apathy, and cowardice, have reached epidemic proportions among an uninformed “American” populace. Most disturbing are the numbers of “useful idiots” graduating from our institutions of higher learning, with no concept of FREEDOM , PATRIOTISM, or how to function in a capitalistic society. They are taught to be racists, entitlement slaves, and straight up socialists. Deductive reasoning, empirical evidence, and common sense are not taught in school, or unfortunately, in 50% of our homes. Sadly, there is no cure, as we have waited til ” the frog is boiling” to pay attention. Obviously, our generation,(old people) refused to listen to the wisdom, and the warnings, of our elders, as well. Thomas Jefferson taught us how to refresh the “tree of LIBERTY”, “we the people” no longer have the courage of our Founding Fathers.

I wish Trump would say he was doing this for America and Americans, and because it is his constitutional duty(then read the constitution to these uninformed masses). Simply because he is, and it is.

If you can watch the democrat/socialists’ behavior over the last two years, without throwing up, and still profess to be one, you are a rock solid “useful idiot”, and an enemy of this country!

The issues of the day have stirred the swamp, and, clearly, brought the scum to the surface! Democrat and “never Trumper” alike, (which includes republicans), are exposing their socialism, their anti-American ideology, and their ignorance of just exactly what freedom means.

The “Border bill” is a piece of garbage. I want to see the amendments attached. It is not congress’ job to design border security. It is their job to approve the money, or not. DHS defines the need, Border Patrol defines the solution, the president approves it.Immigration reform is not, and should not be, part of border security.

If you are a truly objective observer taking only facts into consideration, it is impossible not to arrive at the conclusion that Trump is far and away the most effective president in history, in spite of the FACT that an anti-American congress, media, and uninformed population fight him tooth and nail on every issue. He is an American Patriot , leading this country back to greatness!

To say,”My fellow Americans”, when referring to democrats and never Trumpers, is hypocritical hyperbole that sticks in my throat! They are not Americans. They are anti-Americans driven by socialistic ideals, a propaganda media, and a total lack of understanding what FREEDOM means.

The Founding Fathers would not recognize the Republic they died to create. They went to war over pennies in taxes and no say over their distribution. We have sold our souls, and our freedom, allowing the tyrants of a socialist nation to steal our wealth and distribute it to themselves and their “useless idiot” voters. We now stand by and watch as our country becomes a police state, violating the rights of its citizens with criminal organizations like the IRS, EPA, BLM, and a hundred other unconstitutional bureaucracies, while a corrupt DOJ gestapo protects them. The murder of LaVoy Finnicum, Justice Scalia, and others, the illegal search and seizure, the militarized police arresting political enemies like a third world country. Thomas Jefferson would be” watering the tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots” if he could find any patriots with the guts to join him.

Freedom makes the American dream possible. The American dream is an individual quest, not a group thing.It is your PERSONAL responsibility

It has become apparent that having an intelligent discussion with a democrat, or never Trumper, is impossible. They can not handle facts, or truth, and regurgitate democrat, or propaganda media talking points, as they have been trained. This applies regardless of education, race, class, or any other demographic.

Our politicians continue to prove that there is no cure for stupid! But, isn’t that really a statement about those who vote for them. The socialist party puts forth a blithering idiot like AOC, and she pushes forth “the green new deal”. Pure socialism, yet, these, so called, United States’ congressmen fall over each other to say they support it. Have any of these morons read the Declaration of Independence? The Constitution? Do they know what FREEDOM is?

The stooges of the democrat/socialist party really showed their colors at the SOTU. If these anti-American “congressmen” represent you, you should be embarrassed. I know I am! My congressmen, Bennie Thompson, does not represent me , or my love of country, and is a disgrace. Just as Tester is an embarrassment to my sister, and the state of Montana! Trump, as president of these United States, is more impressive every day. More American, more patriotic, more honest, more transparent, more effective, and more of a LEADER than “we the people” have ever seen.

The United States is an English speaking nation, founded on Christian values, and operating an economic system based on capitalism,(the only economic model conducive to freedom). It was designed to be run by “we the people” with very limited government, providing mainly national security protection of our freedom. States, local municipalities, churches, and family were supposed to have the responsibility of educating our children, as future citizens. We now have a class of politicians that will follow a senile, old white woman, as she berates the most effective president in history, looks you in the eyes from inside her wall-protected compound to tell you walls do not work, steals the American public blind through miss use of air travel and nepotism in doling out millions in public contracts, and fights to bring socialism to America. Immigration into this country should be legal, and those coming, should understand ,and accept, that citizenship comes with an obligation to assimilate. To read, write, and speak English, at their own expense, and before being granted citizenship. And that benefits are ONLY for citizens. The 14th amendment was never written to be used for anything other than assuring the rights of children born to slaves, and should have been abolished in 1900. It is so easy to get off topic with all the issues we face today, and only Trump to stand up for the American people.

Our Declaration of Independence defines “freedom” as that with which you are endowed by the Creator. You are given life, and the free will to sustain it, at birth. PERIOD. No food , no water, no healthcare, no phones, no insurance, you get my point. Even the Bill of Rights was a constitutional amendment, and I do not see healthcare, or any other “entitlement” listed. It is, in no way, government’s responsibility to provide healthcare, housing, food, or any other services in a “FREE” country. Government’s primary responsibility is to protect your right to freedom. National security! Which, in today’s world, most definitely includes a wall along the southern border.

Being Tea Party means you believe in the constitution. Why isn’t everyone a proud member? Wearing a MAGA hat means you support this country and the man we, the movement to restore constitutional government, chose to lead it. Why would any American be offended by that? The answer: No American would be offended. Our country is deeply divided between American and anti-American forces, and the time is coming when only revolution will resolve the differences. Only you can pick which side you support. As for me,” Give me Liberty, or give me death”

Let’s talk about Islam and allah. Islam is nothing but a political ideology created for controlling the masses through religion and fear.
Allah is not God. Allah is a god, and was one of thirteen gods worshipped in Mecca prior to mohammad deciding to make him “the” god. He was, in fact, the moon god. The qu’ran is not a “holy” book, it is a book. A book filled with hate and threats, especially for non-muslims.National security demands muslims be banned from this country. Common sense, the memory of Thomas Jefferson, and laws from 1952 and 53, demands Muslims be banned from entering this country, or ever holding political office

The FBI has closed their investigation into the Vegas massacre, Concluding that a 66 year old alcoholic, (that actually worked for them), ran back and forth between two rooms, making shots few men in the world could, with no motive what so ever. And, did I mention, the facts suggest he was dead 5 minutes before the shooting started? These are the same people that want you to believe Oswald, from a 2nd story window, fired 3 rounds, in a matter of seconds, using a bolt action rifle, hitting a moving target the size of a cantaloupe, from both the front, and the back. The same group that said Benghazi was the result of a video.The same group that filmed the murder of an unarmed American citizen,( LaVoy Finnicum), by a police state hit squad of over 100 special ops personnel, assisted by state and local law enforcement, and told you not to believe your lying eyes. The same group that just sent 27 heavily armed men to arrest an unarmed old man,(American), for the cameras of their propaganda media outlet. These, and sadly, so many more, are actions of a “deep state” government, operating from the DC swamp. And, because we are as stupid as they think, it will continue.

The flagrant police state tactics being used by Bob Mueller are indicative of those used by Obama and his henchman Comey.(The cold blooded murder of LaVoy Finnicum being a perfect example) It is most certainly evidence of the continued activity of a deep state organization embedded in the DOJ and DC itself. We will never clean up the swamp if we continue to replace the Attorney General from within. And the senate , being up to its neck in the swamp, and loaded with deep state operatives, will never confirm an outsider. The Thomas Jefferson option, revolution, won’t work, as “we the people” don’t have our founding father’s courage. So, accept the facts, the frog has boiled, and we have allowed freedom, and the country we were entrusted with, to die.

These talking heads that think Trump will lose his base because the democrats blocked the wall and caused a shut down, are completely out of touch with the Americans who elected him. Trump responded to the needs of those Americans affected by Pelosi’s shutdown , as it was obvious no democrats cared. Proud of him for being the adult in the room.

I am wearing my red Tea Party Ranger golf shirt and the MAGA hat I got at the campaign rally here in Jackson, Ms. The Tea Party shirt says I am an American patriot that believes in the constitution. The hat means I am an American patriot that believes in president Donald Trump and his extraordinary talent and commitment to restore this country to a constitutional government. I will wear them with pride as often as possible during the next two years,(as I suggest all patriots do), and I will not be intimidated by dems and their propaganda about racism and white supremacy,( what a pack of lies!). I would really like to see a sea of red,( a” red wave” if you will) everywhere I go , to not only, show support for what president Trump is trying to do for this country, ( in spite of anti-American democrats and republicans); but to get the movement motivated to “put America first” in 2020!

DEMOCRATS DO NOT REPRESENT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They represent, radical left communities,(primarily entitlement), illegal immigrants, Muslims, and their base of “useful idiots”,(some uneducated, some educated, all uninformed and ignorant because they feed off MSM ) They are very open and very proud of the fact they represent socialism and hate capitalism,(the only economic model compatible with constitutional freedom). The fact people elect idiots like AOC, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and the rest, is indicative of just how unAmerican they are.

Our society has become so disgraceful and disgusting. To watch the behavior of AOC, Maxine Waters. Muslim representatives, Pelosi, Schumer, and the whole unAmerican democrat/socialist party, and think this scum was actually elected?!! What kind of American citizen says,” Oh yeah, that blithering idiot, AOC, represents how i feel?” I am embarrassed for them, for myself, and for my country. I cringe at the thought of Bennie Thompson being my congressman. He is a liar, a thief, a racist, totally incompetent , and in no way represents me or my love of country, So, what does that say about my fellow Mississippians?

Let’s state some facts about Trump, He is not racist, (proven to be quite the opposite), he is not a bigot, he is not stupid,(you don’t get to be a billionaire, respected worldwide being stupid), for a powerful man, he is ridiculously clean when you consider how many people have been trying, unsuccessfully, to find dirt on him for years, his record for his first two years in office establishes him as one of the greatest presidents ever.He is honest, shows integrity, and tries to be as transparent as he can considering the sensitive nature of his office( to that end, he needs to keep his tweets coming, as they are the only truth we get).Shortcomings, for me, would be not arresting Hillary and countless others, on both sides of the aisle, not dismantling the DOJ, and countless other agencies, and not exposing Obama on a dozen different issues.

INSANITY, We have all heard it said, is doing the same thing over, and over, expecting different results. Well, actually, Webster’s third definition, (the first two are too technical for morons), states as being foolish and unreasonable. So, I stand corrected for calling the “useful idiots” of the left, “stupid”, they are INSANE. You know, the ones that believe the lies , created and promoted by a democrat/socialist owned propaganda media, then spread them as they are told. Stories like Russia collusion, Kavanaugh’s rapes, the president is a spy, or, obviously timid catholic teens confront full grown Indians in warrior attire, beating drums, to harass them. These INSANE “news” commentators, congressmen, doctors, lawyers, so-called educators, and “useful idiot” masses , fall in line, over, and over again. Each time expecting,(or wanting), the ridiculous and unsubstantiated to be true. It is not too late to admit you were wrong, apologize, and come over to the side of the American patriots. I, too, must be insane. As I have suggested this over, and over, expecting common sense,( different), results.

As an old man I lived through the civil rights issues of the 60’s. Segregation, integration, marches, etc. and the unavoidable rampant racism. MLK Jr. became the face of the movement. The equality of “ALL MEN” was his battle cry. The term “African American” would not be invented til long after his death, and he would have been offended and insulted had someone called him that. His vision was that everyone, regardless of race, be included in the set of “all men”. And our status as citizens of this country was that we were all Americans.Racists like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Obama, the NAACP, the KKK, Black Panthers, and far too many others, make their living spreading the very hate MLK Jr died fighting.

Over the last two years the democrats, the republicans, the so-called independents, the totally discredited media, Hollywood narcissists, and all the “useful idiots” in the group of anti-Americans we call the “left”, have made 4 to 5 million unsubstantiated allegations against this president, his family, and the patriotic Americans that elected him to restore this great nation. NOT ONE SINGLE story has been true. They have all been PROVEN to be lies. The Kavanaugh hearings, where now every single accusation has been proven false, most by the admission of the accusers, that they lied. Or, the two years of “Russia collusion” hysteria, culminating in the Buzz Feed story, refuted by Bob Mueller himself. And now, the Sacred Stone shows pictures of some scared and hapless catholic children being accosted by a 60 year old indian with a drum, taken out of context and supported by a ridiculous narrative. Again, all lies, yet, educated, and uninformed alike, among the pool of an un-American, anti-American left, jump all over these stories, and ride them til they drop, then jump on board the next. Again a perfect example would be the democrats on the Judiciary committee, questioning Kavanaugh, and screaming,”we believe the victims”. Now, with the revelations of his innocence, you hear crickets, and half these people want to run for president!! Not one retraction, or apology, from the media or the individuals that forward this anti-American rhetoric. I am ashamed of, and for, the so-called Americans following the Main Stream Media’s lead. It is way past time for accountability. Libel and slander are not protected under the 1st amendment.

Let’s talk “women”. I kinda know something about the subject. I have had, great grand mothers, grand mothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, grand daughters, at least 5 wives, and an untold number of girlfriends. All these women were good women, that were proud to be women, that wanted to be good mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives. They were all proud Americans, having seen 4 generations of their men go to war. Compare these good women to those in the so-called “women’s march”. A march founded by an anti-American muslim , a racist anti-semite fan of Farracan , and members of the LGBTQ community. The same trash involved in the first march that strutted around in vagina hats, with vulgar signs, and listened to speakers like Madonna bad mouth a country that puts women on a pedestal and gives them more respect and rights than any other. Don’t get me started.

In 2 years Donald Trump has done more for this country than any other president in history. Even now he continues to fight to correct problems past presidents ignored, such as, border security, immigration reform, rampant corruption in all the alphabet bureaus, (FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA, FDA, IRS, BLM, etc), and more. Think how much this man, that works for his country 24 hours a day, could have accomplished had he not been fighting anti-American factions within this country like democrat/socialism, lying propaganda media, and Alynski-type “useful idiots”.

we didn’t drain, we refilled, the swamp. Trump can’t do it alone. Until swamp supporting organizations like the MSGOP can change , and put America first, and freedom loving Americans can stand against these lobbyist lovers, we will never pull the plug. All change has to be made in primaries.. replacing incumbents with candidates of honor and integrity.

2 Years Ago:
Inaugural no shows; democrats, republicans, “never-Trumpers”, so-called Hollywood celebrities, and other anti-American socialists, identify themselves and create a very good list for draining the swamp. If you are a member of congress and choose not to show at a gov’t function honoring the leader of your country and your constituents that voted for him, you need to be fired for dereliction of duty! You are the servant, not the master, and therefore not allowed to make decisions without consulting “we the people”. Start the list and drain the swamp of these creatures. Let the revolution begin here! Let it begin NOW!

One stupid lie after another, Why is the NYT still in business? They just keep flinging s%$#t against the wall, hoping something will stick.. Before I could get this written, no less than Bob Mueller himself, called it a lie. How stupid do you have to be to be a democrat. And, the answer is, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Jackson-Lee, AOC, Spartacus, …

Let’s talk STUPID. Obviously those opposed to border security, which, by common sense and proven history, includes a wall, are not just stupid, but unAmerican. And those who refuse to vote for America’s best interest, because they fear political reprisal from speaker Pelosi are cowards, this would be all democrats, including my congressman Bennie Thompson. But, the neon sign, screaming,”I AM STUPID”, is when the democrats put, literally, the two dumbest women in their party, in charge of financial oversight. WHO VOTES FOR THESE PEOPLE???

I understand, now, the frustration with my fellow Americans that drove Thomas Paine to write “Common Sense”. The same ignorance and apathy infects our population today. Issues like border security, voter fraud, inept politicians owned by lobbyists and donors, criminal DOJ activities like the police state murder of an unarmed American citizen, LaVoy Finnicum, and the baseless Russian collusion investigation by “deep state” operative Mueller, could all be handled with common sense. We, the American people, have elected a true American leader, that possesses the skills and the courage to get this nation back on track, but he will need our help.

AMAZING! Stupidity in this country is rampant! To say you are a democrat is to say look at me I am stupid! Can no one read? The Declaration of Independence describes freedom and the Constitution was written to protect it. The executive branch, the president specifically, is charged with national security, and is accordingly given the authority to protect the nation as he sees fit. To include building a wall, and banning any group that he feels represents a threat. The dems must be able to read, as they follow Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” to the letter. Especially the part where they accuse the opponent of that which they are guilty, and push it through their propaganda media.

President Trump used facts from the people involved with the problems on the border. The democrats used their bullshit, lies, and unAmerican , anti-American tactics to entertain their ignorant base of “useful idiots”. I have nothing good to say about republicans, but they are at least Americans. The democrats, however, are a threat to this nation. That certainly includes anyone voting for, or supporting these corrupt politicians. The corrupt mainstream media will parrot the lies and the ignorance of the socialist party that owns them.

The fact that ILLEGAL aliens are COUNTED in America’s national census, a census used to determine CONGRESSIONAL SEATS, is a national crisis that threatens our future… The fact that ILLEGALS receive Congressional representation means that millions of legal Americans suffer HARM.

Every American seeing this needs to start wearing Trump hats and T shirts. Instead of being afraid, or ashamed, it is time to be proud, and be loud. We the American Deplorables elected this independent American patriot to lead our movement to restore our great country. He has far exceeded expectations and could do so much more if we band together and show our support. If we all started wearing the red for Trump, for America, I think you would be surprised at how much patriotism still exists. It must be done every day til 2020 election. What are you willing to do for your country? Get this message to everyone and make it happen. It costs nothing to show your love of country. Pass it on!

Ignorant Americans in name only are going to get what they deserve. Unfortunately, the rest of us are going to get what they deserve as well.

1) Every time the democrats open their mouth they show how stupid they really are. Schumer, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, AOC, all the ( i can’t believe I’m even saying this) Muslims, and basically every member of their party, as they all regurgitate the same anti-American platform. A wall has been needed for over 50 years. ( think how much money illegals have cost this country in that time, not to mention the accrued threat to national security ) Should have been part of an infrastructure , or military budget , but is clearly, constitutionally, an executive branch area of responsibility. Impeachment? Please read the constitution. High crimes and misdemeanors, or treason. And, of course, the stupid starts with those who vote for these idiots.
2)Has anyone on the Judiciary Committee been held accountable for their behavior in the Kavanaugh debacle? Any idiot congressmen/women? With all the ” I believe the victim” chants, and then it is proven they were all lying. Funny, I never saw any public apologies from “Spartacus” and the rest. I never saw any retractions in the biased media. I never saw any charges brought to bear, federal, or civil, for lying to congress, or slander. Every politician involved should have this albatross hung around their neck for the rest of their miserable life.

1) Americans,(more precisely, Americans in name only), are stupid. Muslims have been banned from this country since something like 1828. Yet we managed to allow enough in to specific areas of the country that they have elected state, local, and national representatives.( Which, by the way, is exactly what “the Project” calls for. “the Project” is a Muslim Brotherhood plan to take down America, written in 1991, and discovered in 2004). So, these latest Muslim politicians should not even be in this country. Islam should be on the terror watchlist, as it is in many other countries, and these Muslim representatives arrested as terrorists. Any non-muslim voting for them is a fool, and should read the qur’an.
2) Do you really trust the FBI, or the news media?

Randy’s Review will cover 2 points a day this year, one current, and one lingering unresolved. (this program will likely only last one day before procrastination sets in)
1) Get this straight, America’s wall is part of national security, first and foremost. Those who scale it, or crawl under, are invader’s and should be dealt with accordingly. Those who come through its gates, legally, are immigrants and should be welcomed accordingly. We need a new comprehensive immigration law, and to repeal, or rewrite, the 14th amendment.
2) The DOJ is corrupt to the bone. It allows, and often times participates in, the police state activities of past administrations. Events like the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, the murder of Justice Scalia, the murder of Andrew Breitbart, Hillaries criminal mis-use of email and servers, the use of government assets to spy on private citizens without just cause, and on, and on. The only practical solution there would be to allow president Trump, (the only honest , non-swamp affiliated American patriot in DC) to do his job . Let him gut all law enforcement agencies and retool with young patriots willing to follow the constitution and its laws,(if such individuals exist)

11/1/2018       Randy May
                      “Just watched Oprah’s political speech for Stacy Abrams in GA.  She talked about how her
                      grandmother died before the passage of civil rights bill of ’64/’65.  So, she’s voting to “honor” her.  She is voting “black” (racist)
                      and Democrat (the party that did not cast one vote for the civil rights bill).  So, tell me again how that “honors” her grand-
                      mother, or any other black American?  She is, in actuality, spitting on the memory of all those who fought the Democrats for
                      the right to vote.”
11/09/18     Randy May

                    “At this point, 6 p.m. (cdt), there is nothing else to say about politics.  It will be very difficult to defeat the corruption of the Democrats, the blind ignorance of their “useful idiot” base                         and the power of propaganda press, that merely regurgitates the democrat talking points, word for word, on every MSM channel.  A mass of people so deranged that they would                             elect a Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton or, basically, any Democrat, is beyond scary and a direct threat to the constitutional security of this nation.  That said, I am saying no more on                           politics.