The time is now for conservatives, who have been sitting on the side lines grumbling about America’s downhill slide into Communism, to do something … anything … write/call/email/visit elected Democrat representatives in both houses of congress. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2644), 311 Hart Senate Ofc. Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510 !!!

Every Democrat and RINO knows exactly what’s going on. They are in lockstep and complicit with the Left’s plan to destroy America. Tell them to vote on the issues the way they were elected to do. This is not a money-raising plea. Rather, this is an urgent warning from an everyday, Christian patriot. Tell Democrats to grow a backbone and go against the likes of Schumer, Pelosi and McConnell. Tell them not to follow like sheep to the slaughter, taking We the People over a cliff with them.

Who do conservatives think the new 87,000 armed IRS agents are coming-for? Seventeen federal agencies of government are going after anyone who doesn’t agree with the Left’s political ideals … that includes Christians and gun-owners. This is not a fake warning!