What’s the Truth?

A growing area of debate in America today centers around the Second Amendment, and more specifically, the ownership of various types of guns by average citizens. Many politicians, pointing to increases in crimes and shootings, have targeted specific firearms and the size and capacity of magazines. President Biden even recently announced executive actions to expand regulation of certain firearms. Many states, seeing this as an unconstitutional encroachment on rights protected by the Constitution, are passing laws to protect firearms and gun owners.

Almost all of these political moves on both sides claim to be following the intent of the Founders and the spirit of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Who is right? What is true?

Fortunately, we can know the answer, for the Founding Fathers who formed our government and its Constitution wrote extensively regarding the right of self-defense and the intent of the Second Amendment. As Americans, we need to study our Constitution and learn more about our inalienable rights to be better prepared to defend them, as originally explained by John Adams:

It becomes necessary to every subject [citizen] then, to be in some degree a statesman, and to examine and judge for himself of the tendency of political principles and measures. Let us examine, then, with a sober, a manly . . . and a Christian spirit.

So, what is the truth about the Second Amendment? What is its purpose and meaning?

Become an informed citizen! Find out what America’s past leaders have said and discover the answers to these questions with WallBuilders’ book The Second Amendment!