HELENA, Mont. – On President Biden’s first day in office he reversed many of the Trump Administration’s border security policies that kept our country safe, and now there is a crisis at our southern border.

The President’s refusal to end the situation at the border that he created and his administration’s inability to recognize the urgency of this crisis make America weaker and puts all Montanans at risk.

Thankfully, Montana’s Republican voices in Congress are stepping up to the plate to hold the President accountable for his partisan, irresponsible actions and offering solutions to protect Montanans.

Senator Daines Action Leads to Investigation into Biden Border Wall Funding Freeze

On his first day in office, President Biden violated the law and stopped construction of the border wall to appease the radical left.

In response to a direct request from Senator Daines, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) announced it is launching a review of President Biden’s illegal executive action freezing funding Congress appropriated for the border wall.

“Joe Biden broke the law when he froze funds for the border wall allocated by Congress,” Senator Steve Daines. “Last week, I demanded the Government Accountability Office look into his actions. I’m glad to see them launch a review and I will continue to work to hold the President accountable.”

Senator Daines, Congressman Rosendale are taking action to curb Biden’s Border Crisis

This bill would help protect our brave immigration enforcement officers that keep our border secure by making it a federal crime to flee from law enforcement pursuing individuals for serious immigration crimes.

Montanans saw how Border Patrol had to release an individual in a car that led law enforcement on a more than 50-mile high-speed chase because they could not prove that he was not an American citizen. This bill closes the loophole that allowed this dangerous individual to be freed from holding because Border Patrol could not charge him with a federal crime.

“I was very troubled to learn that for the most part, aliens can flee law enforcement officers, like Border Patrol, from enforcing our nation’s immigration laws with impunity. This commonsense legislation would fix that,” said Rep. Rosendale. “This bill would prevent what happened in Whitefish from ever happening in our communities again, and will help decrease the amount of deadly high-speed chases with immigration law enforcement officers.”

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