Legitimate voting is a cornerstone of American liberty, yet evidence within every state, whether red or blue, shows that mail-in balloting has more potential for fraud than in-person, ID-in-hand voting. On Election Day, when honest and competent precinct workers can compare the actual voter to a picture ID, there is a better chance of stopping dead people and illegals from voting. Republicans are fighting Goliath when it comes to cleaning-up voter rolls. In one year alone, Judicial Watch found more than a million deceased voters in California.  Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit to stop California’s Gov. Newsom’s “mandate” that all of the state’s voting has to be by mail.

In mid-May 2020, Pelosi jammed through an absurd 2000 page, totally partisan, $3-trillion Coronavirus “stimulus” bill, which, thankfully, was dead on arrival in the Senate. Much of the bill’s spending had nothing to do with COVID-19.  Hidden alongside hundreds of her pet porker pieces was $3.6-billion for voting-by-mail enhancement.

Oregon is a 100%-voting-by-mail state. This year, thousands of registered Republicans did not receive “Republican” primary ballots. Somehow, their voter registration as such mysteriously vanished under Oregon’s new DMV Voter Law. Oddly, the switcheroos only happened to long time, registered Republicans!

In many states, an absentee ballot is automatically mailed to everyone on the voting rolls. New this year, some states, such as Michigan, are using the pandemic as an excuse for 100%- voting-by-mail. Another example of absentee voting gone awry is that a large batch of South Carolina’s absentee ballots ended-up in Maryland. The list of voting fraud examples goes on and on.  Even when these are caught red-handed, they go without penalties.

The list of anti-Republican mistakes appears to be growing during this election year. Pres. Trump tries to point attention to this travesty; but, as usual, Fake News is silent on the subject.