Unfortunately, Biden has never been an opponent of Pres. Trump … and likely never will be. Trump would love it! It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.  It’s almost a waste of time to compare the two on any issue.  However, wherever Biden is on any issue, the other 2020 Dems will be even further left.  For example: Social Security. Biden and the rest of the ‘give everything away free’ left preach on the need to take care of the masses with zero plan on how to feed their money-monsters. Social Security, already being funded by hard-working Americans, is never mentioned at all. Why?  The left truly isn’t interested in taking care of seniors.  It they were, they would give them the retirement income (social security) they spent their lives working to accumulate.

Pres. Trump’s stance is that “Social Security isn’t an entitlement, it’s honoring a deal”.  “…It’s not unreasonable for people, who paid into a system for decades, to expect to get their money’s worth …”  “… Of course, they believe they’re entitled to receive the benefits they paid for — they are!”  Beginning with Pres. Trump’s first year in office, and in his three years since, seniors have seen a significant increase in their Social Security payments.  On April 13th, Pres. Trump signed into law H.R. 4547 “The Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act of 2018”.

Contrast that to Obama’s (and Biden’s) 2011 push to cut Social Security by $2-$4 trillion.  Only in one of their 8 years, did seniors see an increase … and, it was extremely minuscule.  During Biden’s years in D.C., he called for Social Security cuts three times.  Americans have been forced to pay into a retirement plan and now the left wants to steal it to fund their own agenda.

Thank God we have president Trump, a true American champion, fighting to help hard-working Americans from being robbed and pillaged by greedy, self-serving politician pirates.