As disgusting ,disgraceful, and unAmerican, as the dems and “never Trumpers” have become, the really sad part is the people that put that scum in office. The mindless masses feeding on the poo poo pabulum being spoon fed to them by politically controlled propaganda media, no longer able to think for themselves.

We have the most extraordinary man as our president. He is a true American patriot and a leader of all who believe in the constitution and the freedom it represents.Looking at the field of candidates the dems are putting forth is so disgraceful and depressing. What will we do in four years when he has to step down? Pence is a good man, but, he is no Trump, and I see no replacement on the horizon. Real men, real leaders, are few and far between.

Does Elizabeth Warren not know what socialism is? Labor unions are its foundation. Medi-care for all. Taxing everyone into “equality”. Federally educating our children, not just in communist ideology, but totally immoral sex education. Creating class warfare. Condemning capitalism and the freedom it represents. and so much more of her platform.

Watch these fools on the stage of the debate tonight and please tell me which one you think could replace Donald Trump. Squeeze their heads and the same socialist crap comes out. Not one of them,(except maybe Gabbard), have any character or integrity. So, what does it say about anyone that would vote for these enemies of the United States?

It is sooo embarrassing to have to point out the hypocrisy, the lies, the deceipt, the evil, and the anti-American rhetoric of the democrats. If you are “useful idiot” enough to look at, or listen to, their lies without questioning their motives, or sanity, then you are the problem.

COMMON SENSE would suggest that groups like ANTIFA, Black lives matter, the “occupy” movement, and others, operating under the Organizing For America umbrella, should be designated as terror groups and treated accordingly. George Soros, Obama’s Deep State organization, the democrat party, and the main stream media, should all be held accountable for supporting these groups. Aiding and abetting enemies of the United States.

Rudy Guiliani has the facts and no one will let him share them with us. What are they (R’s, D’s, and the corrupt media), trying to hide? Rudy and Trump are fighting the corruption of the swamp by themselves. RNC, DNC, Clinton Foundation, Obamas, the deep state, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, Graham, McConnel, all the related nepotism, and everyone else, feeding at the same trough. Perfect example is Bennie Thompson. Never had a job. Ends up a multi-millionaire stealing from the American people. The facts are there in black and white, yet the media spins the lies fed to them by Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff. Why is that?

Democrats have not produced a single fact to support ANY of their lie induced “scandals”, yet the mainstream media rolls the crap through an echo chamber , allowing corrupt congressional leaders ,like Schumer, Pelosi, and Shiff to spoon feed an uninformed army of “useful idiots”, leading them around by their collective, unAmerican, anti-American noses. How stupid do you have to be to look at the black and white, evidence defined truth, and then, believe the smoke and mirror fairy tales they are blowing up your skirt?

Democrats and “never Trumpers” continue to prove there is no cure for stupid. They will promote the lies they are fed with absolutely nothing to support their accusations of racism, bigotry, lying, and even “Trump is a con man”. Actually, all evidence supports Tump.