2019 Wrap Up

Throughout this year, WallBuilders continued its mission of presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Through numerous venues, we addressed millions of Americans, helping educate, inspire, and activate citizens to defend and assert the Biblical values and principles that have made America such a unique and blessed nation. As you consider end-of-year-giving, please consider WallBuilders as we continue to lead the fight for Biblical and constitutional values. Here are some of the ways we did this in 2019.


    • Our daily radio program, WallBuildersLive, is aired on hundreds of stations nationally, with hundreds of thousands of downloads of the daily podcast. (Pictured: David and Tim during recording for one of the WallBuildersLive segments.)


    • In our Leadership Training Program for 18-25 year olds, attendees spend the morning in the classroom and the afternoon with “hands on” time doing research with original documents and artifacts. In 2019, we had attendees from 29 different states! If you know an 18-25 year old, encourage them to sign up for one of the 2020 sessions now! (Pictured: Attendees from one of the 2019 sessions.)


    • WallBuilders’ Teachers Conferences have been very popular, with lengthy waiting lists as both public and private educators, from the university level down to elementary teachers, learn about effective historical teaching techniques and how to answer so many of the modern attacks on American history. This year, we had educators attend from 19 different states! Sign up for a 2020 session today if you’re a teacher, or share this with a teacher you know! (Pictured: Attendees from one of the 2019 sessions.)


    • Our Pro-Family Legislators Network includes hundreds of conservative Pro-Family legislators from states across the country who have a direct impact on their state, and thus the nation. Legislators from 25 states attended our 2019 Pro Family Legislators conference! If you’re a state legislator, consider registering for the 2020 conference. (Pictured: David speaking at one of the ProFamily Legislative Conference sessions.)


    • Our Congressional Pastors Briefings gathered hundreds of pastors from 35 states to meet in Washington DC where they heard from Biblically-minded Representatives, Senators, and other leaders. They informed the attendees of not only what is occurring in the nation but what pastors can do in their local communities to help restore the nation to strength and health. (Pictured: David speaking during the Capitol Tour portion of a 2019 Pastors Briefing.)


    • WallBuilders speakers made hundreds of public presentations. They appeared on numerous media programs and spoke in various venues ranging from schools to churches, introducing many people to America’s Godly Heritage and our unique constitutional foundations. (Pictured: David speaking at an event in Israel.)


  • Hundreds, including many school and church groups, took private tours of WallBuilders’ unique collection of tens of thousands of original artifacts and documents, thus learning the evidence of America’s moral, religious, and constitutional foundations. You can schedule a tour for your group online, where you can view available dates. (Pictured: Library tour led by David and Tim.)

There is much else we could share with you from this past year, but we want you to know that the programs we offer, because of the generosity of those who partner with us, are having a definite and long-lasting positive impact! If you are considering special end-of-year tax-exempt contributions, and if what we are doing resonates with you, please consider giving to WallBuilders. Your gifts are definitely being used to make a difference in America!