The Committee to elect David Dudenhoefer: Dudenhoefer for Congress

“Representative” Rashida Tlaib, a boisterous member of “The Squad,” has made it her primary mission to do everything in her power to not only lead our country down the deadly path of socialism, but is fanatically pursuing the impeachment of our President.

Thomas Paine once said, “The duty of a true Patriot is to protect his country from its government.” That’s why…

I’m excited to announce that I’m running to #ReplaceRashida Tlaib in the 2020 Election.


If you agree with Thomas Paine, and you want to defend your individual liberties including your privacy, and property rights, your right to defend your property as you see fit, constitutional taxation, reduce real spending, and most of all, secure America’s sovereignty through a strong and secure border, I am asking for your support today.

When I was battling Rashida’s policies during her time as a state representative her reputation among many of her peers on both sides of the isle was that of a “problem seeker, not a problem solver”.

I’m not going to go into detail about the time Rashida went on camera to complain about the President and told thousands of American’s before she was even sworn in that she was going to, “impeach the mother**ker.”

Tlaib claims to “come from a place of love”, however is it love or hate which leads a public servant to lift certain social groups up by knocking others down? Rashida has repeatedly messaged out the type of divisive rhetoric equal to those whom she frequently criticizes in D.C. Such as blaming conservative voters like you over the fake beating of Hollywood activist, Jussie Smollett.

Just consider some of Tlaib’s other equally destructive outbursts;

• She told Detroit Police Chief Craig he should “only hire people of color” to monitor the department’s facial recognition cameras because “Caucasians’ think people of color all look alike.”

• She tweeted out blaming “white supremacy” for the Jersey City shooting but was forced to delete her rash message after it was discovered that the shooters were two individuals of color.

• Last spring she jumped on the race-war bandwagon over the supposed story of three young white teenage boys beating and cutting the dreadlocks off of a young girl of color-which turned out to be a falsified story by the girl.

• And of course the video featuring her gleefully walking inside the capitol on her way to vote to impeach President Trump, which she said all along was her goal.

What I will tell you is that like every cult-like member of the anti-American, Democrat party, her goals are to destroy the very foundation our nation is built upon, and the only thing standing in their way are Patriots like us!

That is why it is imperative that we build an army of boots on the ground, develop TV, radio and print ads, handouts, and much more – and your much needed support will ensure we are prepared for this fight! Our freedom hangs in the balance.

Rashida Tlaib presents herself as being more dedicated to the citizens of Palestine than she is to the very residents of the district she claims to represent.

And through her harsh and anti-American language, Rashida has made it crystal clear where her home is and who she really represents.

I could write a book full of examples of how Representative Tlaib has double crossed the American people while pandering to the radical special interests.

For some politicians, it’s the corporations who have them in their back pocket, for Tlaib, it’s a foreign power.

It’s time to get rid of any politician who places any other country on a pedestal above the United States.

Right now, the entire Democrat party has President Trump in their cross-hairs, stacking the Supreme Court full of leftist activist justices, and to continue the hemorrhaging of our southern border.

And since the Republican party is desperately in need of taking back the House of Representatives with principled leaders, we can’t afford to allow radical socialists like Tlaib to continue running unopposed and unchecked.

We Have an Opportunity to Stop Her and Elect a True Constitutional Representative.

We’ve never met, but I know you’re a Constitution-loving Conservative and I’d like to tell you a little more about myself before I ask you to help me defeat Rashida Tlaib.

My name is David Dudenhoefer, but my friends call me Dude.

I’ve dedicated much of my adult life to furthering a return to lawful constitutional government, and in 2008, I helped lead the Campaign for Liberty to help empower thousands of Americans to defeat government tyranny and to defend their God given liberty.

I’ve trained hundreds of legislative activists, drafted, corrected, and strengthened dozens of bills related to privacy, taxation, property rights, and gun rights.

I was helping to lead the way as Michigan became a Right to Work state.

And in 2013, I was elected Republican District Chair for the 13th congressional district in Michigan.

Like you, I’ve grown sick and tired of these left-wing fanatics abuse the trust of the very people they claim to represent. They see public office is a way to force their agenda on people, where I see it as the opposite.

A Representative is supposed to represent the people and to defend their liberty. They are not to enact their own views and beliefs upon the people.

Likewise, I’ve grown sick and tired of watching our Republican lawmakers not doing more to fight back as if some states mean more than others when it comes to House votes.

That’s because most of them are scared of being attacked by the leftist media and are only focused on winning their own election and not on keeping their promises.

I can no longer sit here and play defense while I watch the nation I love face destruction from the inside.

I am going on the attack.

I know taking on the democrat Machine in the Detroit area will be a challenge. Rashida has received the majority of her backing from out-of-state socialists who think just like she does; people who desire to shred our Constitution and Bill of Rights only to replace it with the neo-Marxist doctrine.

But my only special interest is the free individual-you!

And even though I know it’s going to be difficult, I am running against her because it’s the right thing to do – because it’s my duty as an American.

As I said, I’ve been working in this field for a very long time and I’ve built up a strong network of concerned liberty minded conservative activists and voters, just like you, who are furious over Rashida pandering another foreign nation and socialist ideologs over hard-working, freedom loving Americans.

And now it’s time to come together and defeat Rashida Tlaib once and for all, because to fail is to watch the dirty seed of socialism spread into YOUR community.

We Can Win-We Must Win!

I know you probably think that it’s impossible to take Rashida’s seat in a blue district like hers.

But what you may not know is that Rashida has never won an election while she faced any serious opposition. She only barely won her primary, and never faced a republican challenger in 2018.

However, you also know that Trump carried Michigan with only a 63% voter turnout.

But the real gift in this race is Tlaib herself, who has become a political cancer since the 2018 election. Many Democrats are refusing to vote for her again, but the party will do everything to stop another Democrat from challenging her.

That means we have a chance.

Another critical point, our state lost several races both statewide and federally, because the Republican establishment had neglected Wayne County (Detroit area) for decades. — No one has seriously worked the district!

We don’t need to convert a majority of democrat or independent voters in Wayne County, a mere 3-5% could have secured more republican victories-So this makes my candidacy and your support that much more crucial!

One more thing, there are over 700k residents in Michigan’s 13th congressional district, just over 160k voted for Tlaib in 2018, which means if we can reach voters the numbers are there for our victory!

I’ll be damned if I’m not going to fight this battle because someone thinks we might not win. I’m all in, and I will be until the end.

So I’m going to ask you right now…

Will You Help Me #ReplaceRashida?

This isn’t your typical underdog story. With your help, you and I can actually win!

Will you help me lay the groundwork of my campaign by sending a contribution of $25, $35, $50, $100, $300, $500, $1000 or $2800 today? Your support would mean the world to me, and momentum will build quickly.

Early money is the key in building a solid campaign. Your gift today will have double the impact of a gift next year.

$35 gift can help us buy 10 grassroots campaign signs.

A generous gift of $50 can pay for a large portion of a targeted radio blitz against Rashida Tlaib tailored for the undecided voters.

Or, if you are able, a gift of $100 will help us pay for our social media campaign – which as President Trump proved, is an extremely effective way to get the word out.

If you want to do even more, A very generous gift of $300 will help us fund our TV advertising campaign exposing the truth in Tlaib’s disastrous socialist ideals.

Rashida, who is being armed with the full weight of the Democrat Party is expected to run unopposed again, and they’re not ready for a full on assault like we’re going to give them.

That means they’re going to have to spend millions of dollars just to keep up and we’re going to be hard pressed to match that kind of panic induced spending.

That’s why it’s so important we receive funding early and stretch every penny to its fullest potential.

My team believes that we can defeat Rashida if we can raise at least $30,000 with this announcement. But for us to raise that kind of money, I need Patriots like you to pitch in what you can.

So whether you can send $25 or $2,800 (that’s the maximum you’re allowed to contribute for this election), please give what you can. We cannot win this election without you.

If you help me defeat Tlaib, I promise you that I will be your ally in congress, and as long as his goals continue to represent the American people and fall within our Constitution as it is written, I will stand with President Trump.

There won’t be any more putting other country’s needs ahead our ours, and there certainly won’t be any free, tax-payer funded handouts given to migrants who circumvented our legal process for their gain.

Freedom loving conservatives like you deserve better than Rashida Tlaib. Holding elected office must never be for self-serving notoriety or to abuse your platform with personal attacks on President Trump. With more responsibility comes more work.

It’s hard enough fighting for our conservative principles when politicians won’t even meet with our President on common ground, it’s even worse when all they want to do is impeach him.

We Need To
#ReplaceRashida NOW!

So won’t you please help me defeat one of the most progressive, radical, anti-American socialist Democrats in the House of Representatives by sending your gift of $25, $35, $50, $100, $300, $500, $1000 or more today?

As you know, our country is at a crossroads with soviet-era socialism on one side and individual liberty on the other, and the choice is being made for us as we speak. Things are going to get tougher in our country before they get better. If we don’t fight for our country now, there might not be anything to fight for.

Rashida has shown us her resentment for America, and our values. We already know she won’t keep our borders safe, fight for our country, and only pay lip-service to the constitution. All she cares about is her loyalty overseas and the rabid support she receives for “resisting” against the President.

I have a feeling you would rather have a representative who actually represents you, someone who isn’t afraid to lock horns with Democrats when it matters and lock arms people like you to stand firm against these mainstream radicals and their anti-American socialist agenda.

If I’m right about you, then please join my team today and help me defeat Rashida Tlaib.

Thank you for considering my urgent request.


David “Dude” Dudenhoefer
Republican for Congress

P.S. It’s sickening that Democratics like Rashida Tlaib have turned their back on their voters to represent foreign nations all while voting for nothing but anti-freedom socialist garbage. The only thing they care about is winning even if it means bringing down the country and our President to do it! It’s time for change.

My team and I are in full battle mode right now and you are the one I am counting on for the ammunition (money) to defeat Rashida Tlaib.

It’s time to get her out of office and elect a true anti-establishment Representative, who respects the Constitution and most of all, one who actually represents and empowers the people.



Paid for by The Committee to Elect David Dudenhoefer