. while having a conversation or an interview, say “we need to have a conversation” about such-&-such, which is the topic of the current conversation;

. 5 days after Trump’s inauguration, you were part of Soros’s meeting in D.C. with far-leftists to form the “Resistance” … a shadowy group with lots of money and a goal of attacking Pres. Trump at every turn;

. you are for murdering babies (abortion) … even during birth

. you were for closed borders until Pres. Trump came along;

. you still approve of the message, which Obama (and handlers) were making in his 2012 storybook ad called “Life of Julia” where a woman could only succeed in life through government socialistic programs.

. you are trying to brainwash people into believing that Republicans started the “Defund Police” movement;

. you are looking the other way as America is being destroyed by the Biden administration, Pelosi’s House and Schumer’s Senate;

. you approve of the FBI’s gestapo tactics against pro-Trumpers for the purpose of instilling enough fear to keep them from Trump-rallies;

. you have no problem with Big Tech censoring conservatives;