In 2012, Newt Gingrich said, “The Obama administration is conspiring to transform America. They want to remake our America … of free enterprise, faith and personal freedom … into their America … endless bureaucracy, secularism and state control …” Newt warned Americans to act fast before children were indoctrinated and America was transformed into a banana republic.

Then, seemingly, in the blink of an eye, Obama passed anti-American policies, such as a massive stimulus bill and and a socialist-style takeover of healthcare. Democrats denied Republicans’ request for 72-hours to read the 2000-page healthcare bill. It was nuts!

Campaigning, Obama convincingly promised this to one group and that to another. The only promise kept was that he would “transform America”! There had been puppets before him; but, none so charming and believable. It was the turning point. Who were, and still are, the puppeteers? Bilderbergs? Big donors, like Soros, mini-Madoff and unions? Big business? Big Pharma? Davos?, United Nations? Military Industrial Complex? Silicon Valley? America’s own DOJ/IRS/FBI/CIA and rest of bureaucrats and establishment Socialists in Democrat clothing? All of the above? … an international swamp?

Pres. Trump’s greatest achievement was to expose the “swamp”! His biggest failure was to not clean house! Like JFK, MLK and RFK before him, he thought, and still does, that real Americans will fight for precious America, as they had always done. Unlike them, though the enemy is brutal, Trump has not yet been taken down. The enemy is identified and is insipid. Biden’s puppet act has revealed that despicable reality. Will real Americans have the guts to protect precious freedom once again?