All Dems had to do to keep us safe was to not cancel any of Trump’s policies. We had energy independence … keep in mind, farmers and truckers run on diesel. When they can no longer afford fuel, we don’t eat. Why would anyone, who is supposed to be representing legal Americans, vote against energy independence and join Biden in begging for fossil fuels from our enemies? It defies logic. For anyone with a Democrat representative in either house of Congress, call him or her ASAP. People are dying because of their stupidity. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2644).

When you get your representative on the phone (it’s doubtful that you will … talk to whomever answers the phone), ask why they allowed the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Oh, and while you’re at it, ask why they’ve never visited US/MX border or spoke-against girls, boys and Fentanyl, being trafficked by a bunch of animals? How nice that it has finally dawned on some of the stupid Dems that Title 42 needs to stay in place? The White House says its position is that it will stand. So far, except for Title 42, every Democrat, including Montana’s Tester, has voted in lockstep with Biden’s every wrong. Whomever is pulling his strings is anti-Americans!