If anyone thinks Dems do not have a new, anti-American scheme up their sleeves, think again. They are clever, shrewd and corrupt. Years ago, We the People thought that after the Russia/Steele Dossier hoax was over (handicapping good leaders, like Trump, for three years … on the taxpayers’ dime), that the Dem-o-rats were done. Every year since, they’ve come up with another piece of garbage to throw at Trump, a patriot, who has tried his dead level best (almost losing his life) to stand up for legal Americans. Again, America is not a “democracy”; it is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! And, if Trump is brave enough to lead, We the People will fight for America’s survival!

Who’s running the country? Although Hollywood, alphabet agencies, Industrial Military Complex, Democrats, Davos goofballs and wealthy donors (Soros), think that they are, Bilderbergs and Rothschild Zionists (Central Banks) are a more likely answer. In 2008, Bilderbergs summoned puppets Obama and Hillary to their meeting for instructions as to who would be President and who would be Secretary of State. Those two are nothing more than well-paid traitors. And, the net worth of peons (like Jon Tester who votes 95% of the time with Biden; ditto with Obama) has more than quadrupled during their time in D.C.

The list of their ‘America Last’ antics goes on and on. We can only clean house and save our Republic if we recognize the enemy within. Montanans can do their part by electing Sheehy, an American hero.