Current indifference to the loss of American liberty is ominous. Who are the people, who no longer know, much less cherish, the Bill of Rights? Years ago, teachers’ unions, Soros, Hillary, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Fake News, lobbyists, huge foundations, Bilderbergs, Davos, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Central Banks, “Hollywood”, FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Dept., Military Industrial Complex and other global elitists, began sinking their evil tentacles into America and all that it holds dear. They want power, wealth and population control and are willing to silence and bankrupt anyone who dares to disagree.

The Puppet Masters’ goal is One World Order. Pres. Trump exposed the anti-American cabal and fought it as best he could. But he’s just one man and the global, elitist “octopus” hand strung him, his family, associates and friends, at every turn. When asked “what was the hardest thing about being president?”, he responded “staying alive”.

The first act of the Puppet Master is corruption of language. Hello “woke” cancel culture. Then comes repression, indoctrination and one-party rule. It’s good-bye due process and Constitution. If anyone wants to know what no freedom looks like, look at the blood-curdling screams in Shanghai right now. If it has not yet been censored, see it and hear it on-line! Wake up!