This race is over. You fools have put the least effective, most socialist, most criminal, immoral, set of puppets possible into our White House. You have elected Kamala Harris, president of the United States. Everyone knows she screwed her way into the DA’s office, and probably the senate, where she promptly accomplished nothing and made a fool of herself over the Kavanaugh nomination. She has lied, cheated, and flip-flopped her way to VP. Temporary president Joe Biden did nothing for 47 years, Only when teamed with Obama was he able to divide this nation, destroy our medical care system, and wreck the economy. His unethical and criminal activity is well documented, not to mention his obvious mental issues. Instead, you used the deep state and their lap dog media, a corrupt justice department, including courts, to steal the election from the American people. President Trump was the most effective president in U.S. history, in all areas, and you replaced him with the worst. Thomas Jefferson would say we are far past due for revolution, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Litigation will not overturn the results, although, if there was justice it certainly should. When the court ruled mail-in ballots to be acceptable, signatures did not have to match, and postmarks did not matter, oh yes, and they could wait to see how many votes they needed before submitting them, we were toast.