From the Desk of Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA

“I’m talking with attorneys RIGHT NOW about suing ABC and some of the personalities on their daytime propaganda hour (“The View”) after they LIED about my team at Turning Point USA and our patriotic young activists by falsely claiming on national television that we’re allied with ‘Nazis’.”

“Mainstream Media LOATHES Turning Point USA and our 500,000+ America-loving students, because we’re the biggest threat to their stranglehold on younger generations. That’s why they’re lashing out at us with VICIOUS and completely BASELESS attacks.”

“… at our annual Student Action Summit in Florida, where we welcomed 5,000+ young patriots for a week-end of inspirational speeches from conservative leaders, activism training and networking.”

Regarding left-wing radical demonstrators, unaffiliated with TPUSA, protested the event. “The Leftists at The View saw an opportunity they couldn’t pass up … a chance to smear TPUSA and our 500,000+ student activists. They claimed that these radical demonstrators – who were PROTESTING our event! – were actually our allies. They LIED and FABRICATED a false story that I can only describe as socialist fan fiction, with Whoopi Goldberg even going so far as to claim that we ‘welcomed Nazis’ into our event ‘metaphorically’.”