Even the dumbest Democrat is beginning to catch-on to the fact that the biggest political conspiracy and election interference in history is what Democrats are doing right now to ex-Pres. Donald Trump. In Biden’s and Obama’s world, they can imprison every day, hard-working, legal Americans for using wrong pronouns or for not approving gender changes on their children; but it’s okay to yell “death to America” and “kill every Jew”!

Starting with Donald and Melania coming down the escalator, Democrats began screaming accusations at him, such as “racist” and “unindicted co-conspirator”! Where’d that come from? Biden is the one whose best friend was leader of the KKK. Then, Mueller’s team, comprised 100% of Trump haters, couldn’t find a shred of evidence that Trump was, or ever has been, either of those hateful, derogatory comments. Sadly, enough repetition and yelling can make anything believable. To the surprise of Democrats, globalists and Fake News, when the 3-years-long “Mueller investigation” (re: their looney Russia/Trump conspiracy) backfired, they cleverly invented more and more nonsensical, Soviet style attacks on Trump. They thought, and still do think, that every day, hard working legal Americans are dumber than a stump … dumb enough to buy what they’re selling.

So, right now, Democrats and RINOs have weaponized and corrupted America’s Dept. of Justice, FBI and CIA, against Trump. It’s Goliath vs. one legal American. It is stunning, despicable and treasonous! Their goal is Soviet-style imprisonment, or worse, of their party’s opponent for the office of President of the United States of America.