A DHS intel report warns that violent Venezuelan criminals are being sent to the MX/US border. Surprise! Surprise! In it, DHS warns Border Patrol agents to “be on the lookout for violent criminals entering the U.S. illegally from Venezuela among the illegal migrant caravans. The violent inmates were allegedly released from prison early, pushed to join caravans heading to the U.S.!”

Doesn’t anyone in the D.C. Swamp watch FOXNews? Huge caravans, claiming “asylum”, began invading the U.S. from 130 different countries … many wearing “Biden” t-shirts began arriving in late 2020. Trump tried desperately to close the border with a wall, surveillance equipment, ICE deportations (no “catch & release”) and a deal with Mexico that the illegal migrants stay there, while being processed. On Day 1 as President, Biden stopped the wall-building and ended all of Trump’s policies, which had the southern border under control.

Violent people (not just criminals) have swarmed across the border on Biden’s watch. More than 200,000 criminals have been caught; it is suspected that just as many are “gottaways”. If they get caught, they know that they won’t be vetted. In other words, Mr. President, the border is wide open and violent characters from across the world are pouring-in.