Voting is a right, as well as patriotic responsibility, to be exercised soberly with some research. Find out who and what really is on the ballot. Follow the money from the top down … Central Banks and/or Chicago (Soros, Alinsky, Obama, mob bosses, multiple Socialist groups, off-the-charts crime and freezers full of money). If ever we needed to pray for wisdom and guidance, it’s now.

Currently, a big danger is tribe/bloc-voting, (ie. made strictly on the basis of race, gender, unions, labor, business, religion and party affiliation). Then, there is always political salesmanship for ridiculous promises such as free everything from cradle-to-grave, reparations, and other nonsense. “You want it? We got it”. But, hey! Why not? It worked for Hitler!!

Draining the swamp is rougher than legitimate voters could ever imagine and it’s only the tip of the iceberg! The hidden agenda is all about controlling the population … that would be us. “We the People” are waking-up to the realization that we’re on the brink of losing Amendments I, II and XIV (due process). Worse yet, after 2016, Democrats are ferociously determined to eliminate our precious right to vote by eliminating our Electoral College. If successful, the only votes to matter will be those in 6 or 7 hugely populated blue states. Patriots must vote … or, we’re screwed!