“25 months after 2020 election, former Twitter execs are finally admitting they were wrong to censor the Hunter Biden story. Joe got an assist from mainstream media which worked overtime to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation. Twitter suspended the New York Post’s account for reporting on it. Media beat up Trump for bringing up Hunter because they kept saying his dirty dealings were, as Judy Woodruff put it in her interview with Trump before the election, ‘unsubstantiated’.”

“Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO in 2020, already admitted to censoring the Hunter scandal. Now, Yael Roth, Twitter’s former director of ‘trust and safety’ has admitted it was a mistake. ‘We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true, there was smoke – and ultimately it didn’t reach a place where I was comfortable removing this content from Twitter’, Roth said. … Twitter, along with other media outlets that ignored the corruption story put their thumb on the election scale in favor of Joe Biden.”

“Elon Musk, Twitter’s new CEO, responded to Roth’s mea culpa. He followed that up with disclosure of a huge cache of documents via reporter Matt Taibbi. Still, media ignores one of the biggest stories of political corruption and then pouts that so much of the public holds journalists in utter contempt.”

Committee to Unleash Prosperity, 12/5/2022