Trump had national security under control in Afghanistan for 18 months. Taliban respected him. Biden eliminated that with a botched withdrawal. He left behind enemy lines 60,000-plus Americans, Afghan, allies and their families (AAA), along with their contact info. They were, and are still to this day are, being dis-membered, raped, beheaded, and worse. Biden gave away $-billions of top secret military equipment and control of Bagram Airport. Ruthless Taliban released 5,000 prisoners from there; one was the suicide bomber, who blew-up 13 U.S. soldiers. Callously, the White House and Pentagon never mention it. They do not care! Biden, Allen and Mille are traitors!

Trump had the southern border under control with a nearly completed “wall” and a “deal” made with Mexico to house tens of thousands of migrants until they could be processed and vetted by U.S. Biden ended that deal and invited every-one on the planet to come here. People from 160 countries obliged. When a federal court ordered Biden to restore Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” plan, he refused. Many came in caravans, wearing pro-Biden shirts and carrying pro-Biden signage. Thousands of human beings died along the way. Cartels love Biden! Who in D.C. and elsewhere are getting a cut from their $-billion industries of human trafficking and China-produced Fentanyl sales? Democrats want “open borders”. Why? Even from earliest pioneers, walls protected Americans. Walls protect Democrat elites! Do they not care about the huge human toll? It is treason!

Trump had America energy independent. There’s a wealth of oil right here in America. Inexplicably, Biden shut-down the XL Pipeline. He removed red tape for the Russia-Germany pipeline. He has depleted America’s emergency oil supply. Why do he and his handlers have an “America last” ideology? He’s humiliating America by begging worldwide adversaries for oil and they are saying “no!”. It endangers the U.S.’s national security! Democrats do not care. It is treason!