Some people, like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and their puppets, are so anti-Trump that you would think he had stolen 90% of the Haitian fund relief, sold 20% of our uranium to Russia, let innocent Americans die in Benghazi, left tens of thousands of Americans (military families, interpreters, green card holders and allies) behind enemy lines in Afghanistan for the Taliban (to torture, maim, kill, rape), depleted America’s military and eliminated the country’s energy independence! …. provided no resistance when cartels shot at America’s border patrol (war?), begged cities to defund the police, refused to quit buying Russia’s dirty oil (even after Russia attacked Ukraine, allowed gangs/ cartels/drug/sex traffickers to prosper and bankrupted America’s social systems. locked-down children for more than a year, declared parents “domestic terrorists”, allowed Soros-funded D.A.s to dishonor the Constitution of the United States of America, caused inflation (ie. a huge tax on the little people), looked the other way as fentanyl killed 30-million Americans and removed mask mandates 2 days before his State of the Union address (when CDC’s “science” declared it to be okay), spied on an opponent’s campaign, supported Black Lives Matter, accepted large amounts of money from China, Russia and Ukraine (mostly via his son), CRT-indoctrinated K-12 children and who knows what else.

Oh, yeah, that was the democrats.

Trump tried to build a wall for border protection, demanded that criminals be jailed, and gave us an booming economy and lowest unemployment for blacks ever. What’s to hate?