In case anyone has forgotten, here is recap of the “Green New Deal”(GND). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC, Socialist/Communist, economic moron) and Sen. Ed Markey (D) introduced the bill in 2019. Almost immediately, it was a joke. Globally, both allies and adversaries gasped … one in delight and the other in horror. What had happened to America?! It was stupid and irresponsible. The $100-trillion price tag would bankrupt America. It was stunning that every Senate Democrat, except Joe Mansion, voted for its preposterous, fiscally irresponsible, evil piece of Schiff. Yet here we are! Over the next two years of Biden’s administration, a new component of the Green New Deal was deceptively sneaked into every Democrat-proposed bill.

GND calls for carbon neutrality by 2030 and would require national mobilization for its implementation. Those two environmental geniuses wanted every building retrofitted for better energy efficiency, high-speed electric railroads, and only electric vehicles allowed on public roads, farms and ranches. They want to eliminate carbon-spewing jets (how will elitists get to Davos?) and want to “dramatically expand” clean energy sources, such as wind and solar. They claim that GND will produce millions of high paying, new green jobs making the transition away from fossil fuels easy. After suddenly shutting down the XL pipeline and firing its builders, Biden cavalierly told the workers to get new jobs building electric charging stations. Democrats have lost their minds!

The Federalist referred to the GND as “the most ridiculous, un-American plan ever presented”. Its proponents want Americans weaned off beef (NO MORE COWS!!—too much flatuance into the environment) and get rid of combustion engine vehicles. Democrats owned all three branches of government (power of the purse) and went along with GND like sheep to the slaughter, designating climate change a top priority for their agenda (ie. their political manifesto)!  GND’s nonsense hurts all Montanans, but especially ranching, railroading, farming and construction.

Everyone should ask their Democrat representative (Senate and House) why they would vote for such a monstrosity. In Montana, that would be Tester (202-224-2644).