Common sense, MLK said “do not judge a man by the color of his skin, but by his character”. Mr Floyd was a murder victim, (there are no extenuating circumstances that could justify this behavior), the police officer on his neck is a murderer, the 3 officers doing nothing to stop it are accessories to murder, the people looting and vandalizing are guilty of crimes ranging from criminal trespassing, breaking and entering, vandalism, theft,(at all levels), arson, reckless endangerment, and possibly negligent homicide , depending on the long term ramifications of their actions, such as putting people out of work, causing them to lose insurance coverage, and all that could lead to. All these parties should be arrested , tried, and, if found guilty, held accountable. You will notice, that not once did I mention race. That is because the law should be, and, in most cases is, color blind.

Piss Poor Parenting and a feckless church are the root cause of everything happening now. Each and every individual involved in this chaos had, or, even worse, has parents who should have taught them better. We all know right from wrong, from the officer assaulting Mr. Floyd, to the little girl stealing from the looted stores. All are personally responsible for their actions. All should be held accountable. That is freedom.