
Today I am proud to announce a HUGE endorsement!


“The contrast between John Cummings and AOC couldn’t be clearer,” said NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy. “John has spent his life living and serving this district, as a distinguished member of the NYPD, community leader and teacher to our youth.

He wakes up every day and thinks about how he can make people’s lives better, while AOC spends her days enhancing her own celebrity. She is an uninformed, radical socialist who fabricated her background to win this seat. The people of this district have seen right through her hypocrisy, and with John as our candidate, she will be defeated this November.”

I’m enormously grateful to New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy for his support. He understands the threat AOC poses to our democracy, our freedoms and our wallets.

While she’s busy courting the liberal glitterati, I’m in the district talking with every day New Yorkers who just want a common sense representative who will deliver results for them.

But that’s not all!!!

Recently, the Queens and Bronx County Republican Committees also jointly announced their endorsement of me to take on Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York’s 14th Congressional District.

Queens Republican Party Chairwoman Joann Ariola-Shanks said:

“John Cummings’ background as an NYPD officer and high school civics teacher could not be better suited to take on our absentee socialist congresswoman.

This election will be one of the most important in the country as the very soul of our nation is at stake. This campaign will be a battle between socialism and freedom and John is the right candidate at the right time to take the fight directly to the people of the 14th Congressional District and expose AOC’s socialism for what it is: dangerous.

I am proud to put my full support behind John Cummings and I look forward to fighting side by side and unseating AOC.”

Bronx Republican Party Chairman Mike Rendino said:

“John Cummings is one of us.

Unlike AOC who is actually from Westchester, John was born and raised in the district. While AOC still doesn’t even have an office in the Bronx portion of the district, John has been serving our community his whole life, first as a New York City Police Officer and now as a civics teacher at St. Raymond High School.

While AOC has been stumping in Iowa with her socialist comrade Bernie Sanders, John has been living a life of service. Endorsing John Cummings is a no brainer for us and the Bronx Republican Party is looking forward to going door to door with John in the 14th Congressional District and beating not only AOC this November, but socialism itself.”

Wow – thank you Joann and Mike!

From supporting the dangerous bail reform legislation out of Albany to killing the Amazon deal and the tens of thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in investment that would have come with it, our Congresswoman has proven herself a danger to our community.

I am truly humbled by the support my campaign has received and pleased that my message is resonating. I AM YOU – I live where you live, I eat where you eat, I work where you work, I sit in the same traffic you do.

I am honored to have the support of the New York State GOP, as well as our district’s local GOP units, to defeat the obnoxious Marxist AOC!

Let’s replace this fraud with an educator and former cop – one that knows and respects the law.

It’s time to stop hating America, our laws, our people, our industry, our successes, our freedoms! It’s time to defeat AOC and leave the bad ideas in the history books!

God bless,

John Cummings