If inaugurated, Joe might disappear sooner than expected, for any one of many pre-planned reasons. Kamala would be President and Pelosi VP.  All three have vowed strict adherence to DNC’s 2020 party platform.  Most importantly, it eliminates God, beginning with removal of “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.  As with Bolshevism, and other communist mandates, violators of religious bans would be harshly prosecuted.  See the 110-page Biden/Sanders Unity Tax Force for more of their scary details. 

Trump’s tax cuts and deregulations would be gone immediately, as would Joe’s promise to not tax people who make less than $400,000/ year.  Across the board, huge federal income tax hikes would be imposed.   Wealthy taxpayers and big job providers would flee in droves, leaving middle class and working poor to pick-up the tab with additional higher taxes.   

Democrats’ utopian platform includes free-everything for U.S. taxpayers and illegals alike.  Among some of the freebies are ‘Medicare for All’ healthcare covering abortion, dental, optometry, hearing, and mental health. More freebies include childcare, K-16 education, housing, food, retirement, death expenses, slavery reparations, and extended unemployment pay for those who prefer not to work.  

As promised, Beto would oversee gun confiscation.  AOC would over-see Climate Change, fixing economic inequality, and full implementation of her Green New Deal.  Cows, planes, combustion engines, coal, oil, gas, fracking and non-electric vehicles, would be forbidden.  At the owner’s expense, infrastructure, including buildings and homes, would be retrofitted in accordance with AOC’s standards.   

If allowed to proceed, the Democrat socialist dream of American economic, environmental, and moral purity would leave all Americans equally destitute in all aspects. Freedom would be a dream of days past.