Jan. 6th was not good. Everyone agrees. The “people” deserve facts; it’s their Capitol. Pelosi may be responsible for the incident. Why else is she with-holding 14,000 hours of camera footage? Instead of truth, here comes another blame Trump, sham investigation on the taxpayers’ dime.

A few known facts are (1) one window was broken; otherwise, Pelosi’s Capitol Police (CP) opened the capitol doors for the protestors; (2) one CP died of a heart attack; (3) one CP killed himself; (4) the medical examiner determined that Sicknick died the next day of natural causes.  He had no bruises or other evidence of the ‘beaten with a fire extinguisher’ lie; and (5) the one person murdered was an unarmed Air Force veteran by the name of Ashli Babbitt, who was just standing there watching everything.

Allegedly, Lt. Michael Byrd, one of Pelosi’s undercover CPs, kill-shot Mrs. Babbitt at point blank range for no reason and disappeared into the crowd. Pelosi kept him and his name under wraps for six months. Why? And, why no charges? If his name was ‘Trump’, he would be in an electric chair by now.

Pelosi had advance notice about a pro-Trump rally. So did Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Oathkeepers, 3%ers and Proud Boys. One BLMer admitted stirring-up things with a bull horn. Why did Pelosi not have CP prepared? Why no National Guard before it began? Why are hundreds of innocent rally-goers disappearing, mostly in pre-dawn raids? Why is it rumored that some are ending-up in solitary confinement? SWAT pre-dawn raiders hand-cuffed an innocent couple in Alaska; they’d been in Alaska on Jan. 6th. It’s crazy! It’s Cuba! It’s Venezuela! It’s Nazism!