The UN’s gun cabal is mostly funded by multi-billionaire George Soros.  He hated Pres. George W. Bush and hates Pres. Trump just as much or more.  The cabal’s mission was, and still is, for global firearms registration followed by banning, confiscation, and destruction.  A large part of the plan is for United Nations funded gun-ban groups to oversee the rounding-up of personal guns here in America.  Gun-hating politicians such as Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein and Ted Kennedy fought hard against Bush and AG John Ashcroft.  Why?  Because Bush and Ashcroft stood-up for our Second Amendment rights and other bedrock values of self-defense and self-determination. They realized the war against firearms was not about safety, rather control of the American people.

Since the term ‘gun culture’ was coined in 1970 by Richard Hofstadter in his article ‘America as a Gun Culture’, the gun-ban lobby has used that term to push its narrative that guns must be suppressed at all costs, implying the only modern purpose for a gun in American is the murder of innocents. Globalists Bill Clinton and Obama embraced that distorted version of ‘gun culture’ in their all-out war against firearms owners.  After the murderous rampage in Littleton, Colorado by two deranged students, Bill charged that the murders stemmed from “the culture of hunting and sport shooting in America” (ie. ‘gun culture’).

In reality, gun ownership in America symbolizes freedom, independence, and individuality as opposed to submission, conformity, and reliance on government.

As Hubert Humphrey (surprisingly a Democrat!) said, “Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.”

Between those who consider hunting to be savagery,  those opposing guns being used for individual self-defense, and those seeking power and control, we are in danger of finding ourselves with no guns at all.  Thanks to Pres. Trump and AG Barr, our Second Amendment is safe for now.  It’s the only constitutional right that guarantees other rights will continue to exist.  There is no such thing as a free nation where police, military and “Hollywood” are allowed the force of arms, but where individual, everyday citizens are not.  The quality of freedom our ancestors bought with their blood is not ours to squander.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin